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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-01 11:03

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 政府信息公開(kāi) 保密工作 保密管理 對(duì)策 出處:《山東師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:With the increasing development of politics, military, economy, science and technology in China, and the rapid development of digitization, information and network, the struggle between secrecy and secret theft is becoming more and more acute and complex. Confidentiality work is faced with a severe situation and arduous tasks, the importance of doing a good job of secrecy has become particularly prominent. After the promulgation and implementation of the new secrecy law, the contents and standards of confidentiality work have been further clarified. However, in the context of government information disclosure, the contradiction between confidentiality and disclosure is still very prominent. This paper tries to study how to find the balance between the two in the context of government information disclosure. And according to the actual situation to take a series of targeted measures, through the focus on the background of government information confidentiality under the background of the practical difficulties, combined with some actual cases, to find the reasons. Then put forward practical countermeasures and suggestions for these difficulties, in order to do a good job in the future confidentiality work to help. The paper reviews the development process of China's security work since the new China. This paper expounds the new features of security work: first, the emergence and rapid development of e-government make security work face new challenges; The second is the widening of the leak channels; Third, due to the development of e-government, the concentration of all kinds of electronic file storage is becoming higher and higher. Fourth, the confidentiality of the specific staff quality requirements are higher. The paper analyzes the relationship between information disclosure and confidentiality. To recognize the current situation in the work of confidentiality in China's outstanding problems: first, part of the confidential personnel do not attach importance to the work of confidentiality; Second, the work of secret is still not standard enough, and there are loopholes in the procedure of deciphering and decrypting; Thirdly, the knowledge and skill of keeping secret is not enough; Fourth, the construction of confidential work force is relatively weak. This paper aims at these problems, combined with their own actual work and domestic and foreign existing research results in this area and advanced experience. The following suggestions are put forward: constructing the secrecy management system under the government information disclosure; Strengthen network classified security management; Define the secret procedure and perfect the secret management; Strengthening the construction of the ranks of confidential organizations; Strengthen self-evaluation of confidentiality, establish a performance appraisal system. The case adopted in the research process is selected in recent years in the work of confidentiality in the real cases, out of the principle of confidentiality considerations. This paper simplifies some contents and information, which should be said to be of typical significance to the point of view of this paper, and it is expected to play a positive role in the future development of secrecy work.


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