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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-28 07:06

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 烏木 無主物 先占 制度設(shè)計 出處:《華僑大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Preemption, as its name implies, is one of the original methods of possession of ownership, which is first found in the laws of the peoples of Roman law. In foreign countries has formed a kind of perfect legislation and case law. Roman law adopts the legislation of preemptive liberalism, the applicable object of preemptive liberalism includes all non-subject. Germanic law inherits the preemption system of Roman law, but to some extent it is amended. The core of the legislation is still preemptionism. But the scope of the amendment is to restrict the preemptive subject. Under the Germanic law, the fixed subject that has not been occupied can only be occupied by the state. The subject of immobility is also possessed by a specific person under the premise of the law, and the modern civil law has developed into a more suitable legislative model for the society with the change of the times. Dualism legislation is widely used in modern legislation, more typical embodiment of Germany. Japan, Italy and other countries, such as civil law legislation. Foreign preemption system has been developed so mature. But there is no legal system of preemption in Chinese law, although many civil law scholars have talked about preemption system in their works. However, the absence of preemption system has brought some problems to the application of our society and judicature. Especially in recent years, there have been many economic disputes such as ebony. It happened. But finally, because our country does not have a clear legal system, usually to dismiss the prosecution to close the case. These have damaged the interests of the parties to varying degrees. Therefore, the establishment of preemption system is of great significance. In addition. With the convening of the fourth Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee, the goal of compiling the Chinese Civil Code has been clearly put forward. Now China has started the compilation of the Civil Code. As one of the original ways of obtaining ownership, it is also necessary to bring the preemption system into the Civil Code. However, the specific national conditions of our country are essentially different from those of other modern countries. Can not copy the existing preemption system, therefore, according to the current situation of our country and the law to formulate preemption is imperative. This article is based on a very typical "Pengzhou ebony case" as the starting point. The discussion and analysis suggest that China should establish the preemption system through legislation, but the established preemption system must conform to the national conditions of China and must take into account the culture of Chinese society and foreign society. Based on the differences between modern society and traditional society, this paper is mainly from the choice of legislative cases and the constituent elements of preemption in order to construct the preemption system with Chinese characteristics. In a word, this paper hopes to arouse people's attention to the preemption system again, and promote the establishment of preemption system at an early date in our country.


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