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  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 醫(yī)養(yǎng)結(jié)合 養(yǎng)老模式 政府職能 重慶市 出處:《西南大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the growing aging in Chongqing, the pension model has therefore attracted more and more attention. In the face of the pension pressure increases gradually, the traditional pension model because of the separation of medical and pension resources, lack of adequate care, fragmented management is faced with severe challenges. At the moment, an integration of medical and old-age care in one set of resources, medicine, treatment, support, support a new pension model, medical support combined with pension model began to enter the Chongqing City People's vision, and gradually play a good social effect. The Chongqing municipal government departments in the development of medical support combined with the pension mode, how to play the functions of the government, the relationship between sustainable development pension business. The Chongqing City medical support combined with government functions in the development of pension mode as the research object, because Chongqing City medical raising combined with the pension model is still in the early stages of development, the county in the open Show encountered difficulties and problems in different degree. This requires innovation management of the Chongqing municipal government departments, the transformation of government functions, establish the consciousness of serving the people, to help solve practical problems around the medical raising combined with the pension mode, promote the quality of the old-age support combined with Chongqing city hospitals, fine development. In this paper A institutions in Bishan area of medical support combined with government functions in the development of pension mode as a typical case study, based on the research in the field of government management from the dimension of in-depth understanding of the A mechanism of medical support mode to carry out the basic situation of the inquiry mechanism for the elderly, analyzes the Bishan to support raising the pension model by A medical institutions efforts for the government and other counties in Chongqing in the combination of medical care and pension mode in the development of functional level reference. On the premise of this area in Chongqing city is analyzed the combination of medical care pension Carry out government functions in the aspects of the problems, and put forward the corresponding improvement strategies. This paper is divided into the following parts: the first part is the introduction, mainly for the Chongqing City medical support combined with government functions in the development of the pension model the background, significance, research ideas and research methods are discussed, and the analysis of the research the status of this topic at home and abroad; the second part introduces the core concepts of this paper. The main city of Chongqing medical support theoretical basis of combination of government functions in the development of the pension model and related concepts. Combined with the public goods theory, the new public service theory, the theory of government functions of Chongqing City medical support combined with the functions of the government pension in the development of the model is discussed, and focuses on institutional care, medical raising combined with the pension model, the concept of government functions; the third part to Bishan A institutions as the typical case, analysis of the bi The mountain at the A Institute of medical support combined with the role and function of government pension model development. First analysis of the Chongqing medical support combined with government functions in the development of endowment pattern and its constitution, and then introduces the A mechanism of medical support combined with characteristics, basic situation of elderly, finally elaborated the Bishan District at the A Institute of medical support combined with the functions of the government and the role of pension mode in development; in the fourth part, on the basis of the third part from the analysis of Chongqing City medical support combined with government pension model development to fulfill the functions of the problem, pointed out that the current Chongqing City in medical support combined with raising pattern of development: in the decision-making functions, there are certain difficulties of organization function and supervision function level. In the field of decision-making functions, including macro decision guidelines are too vague, not exhaustive. Public problems in the organization function links, including material preparation is not sufficient and not mature. In the supervision organization and preparation Function level, main emphasis on monitoring is not enough, and the actual operation is difficult; the fifth part, the fourth part discusses the problems and put forward some corresponding policy suggestions. In view of the Chongqing City medical raising combined with the pension mode existing problems in the development of the functions of the government, the Chongqing municipal government departments must first make scientific decision, Chongqing City medical support combined planning for the development of pension model, this requires a full investigation and study, improve the decision-making problem of expression; highlighting key policy. Secondly, Chongqing city should be carefully organized, raising the pension model formed the development of force Chongqing city hospitals, so we should improve economic development, increase financial support; good organization construction, the formation of organizational security. Finally, Chongqing city comprehensive supervision, build Chongqing City medical raising combined with the pension model the development of reliable protection, therefore, to improve the medical support combined with emphasis to carry out monitoring link, and make available The monitoring scheme of the line.



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