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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-25 02:09

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 私人安保公司 走出去 保安服務(wù)管理?xiàng)l例 蒙特勒文件 比較研究 出處:《浙江大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of our economy and the further promotion of the "going out" strategy, the economic interests of our country outside our country are constantly increasing, but at the same time. China's overseas investment enterprises and practitioners still face many traditional and non-traditional threats. At present, our government through political means, diplomatic means. Consular protection and the mediation of international organizations such as the creation of offshore security system is difficult to meet the huge security needs of overseas investment enterprises and practitioners. It is imperative to seek security services outside the government. From the experience of the rest of the world. It is a common practice to use private security companies to safeguard foreign interests. In 2009, our country promulgated "Security Service Management regulations" to regulate the security service industry. This regulation, however, is aimed primarily at the domestic security services market, as to whether security companies can provide security services to their clients abroad and in what form and in what manner. There are no relevant provisions in Chinese law. This undoubtedly hinders the internationalization of our security service industry. This paper analyzes and combs the domestic laws, international laws and regulations and documents. This paper puts forward the main legal problems encountered by private security companies in China in the process of "going out" to provide overseas security services, that is, business qualifications, business fields, employment principles, protection of rights and interests and accountability. Industry self-discipline and the use of weapons. And through a comparative study of Europe and the United States developed countries, Japan, China's Hong Kong and Taiwan area related laws and regulations. In order to provide some positive reference to the legal system in related fields of our country. Finally, the article takes our government as the main body and the private security company as the main body. International organizations as the main body and security service countries as the main body to provide some countermeasures and suggestions. For our government, not only to seek a breakthrough in domestic law, but also to actively absorb the results of international laws and relevant documents. Striving to be in line with international standards; For private security companies, it is necessary not only to strengthen the internal system construction, personnel training and technology development, but also to be in line with their international counterparts, and strive to improve their international competitiveness; For international organizations, efforts should be made to make the Montreux document internationally legally binding; For the host country of security service, it is necessary not only to construct the domestic security legal system, but also to establish the contact mechanism and the conflict management mechanism with the international law and the law of the investor's home country.


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