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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-25 00:44

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 外匯保證金 套期保值 價格發(fā)現(xiàn) 信用風險 系統(tǒng)性風險 出處:《上海師范大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:As a risk management tool in the financial foreign exchange market, foreign exchange margin trading has the functions of price discovery, hedging, investment profit and so on, which can maintain financial stability. The promotion of economic prosperity plays an irreplaceable positive role. China has twice opened the foreign exchange margin market, but investors are immature and lack of technology. China's foreign exchange margin market has not been legalized due to the imperfect regulatory system. This paper takes the characteristics of foreign exchange margin trading as the starting point. In view of the foreign exchange margin trading in the process of regulatory legal problems to be studied, put forward the relevant recommendations. Specifically, this paper has four parts. The first part is an overview of the characteristics, which is divided into three aspects: first, from the operational mechanism and foreign exchange contracts and other financial derivatives, summed up its more virtual characteristics; Secondly, it reveals the credit risk and the legal risk through the non-standardized form of the contract and the relationship between the rights and obligations of the two parties to the contract. Finally, by comparing with the characteristics of futures, options and other derivative products, as well as the unique foreign exchange margin trading market maker model analysis, explore its leverage requirements. Margin ratio and transparency have significant characteristics. The second part is the analysis of the problem. From the development of foreign exchange margin trading as the starting point. Summed up the foreign exchange margin trading in the regulatory level there are deficiencies. A total of three aspects: first, as a legal system to regulate the transaction in value orientation is not conducive to the conduct of the transaction, the lower level of legislation. Overlapping of regulatory powers; Second, there is a conflict between the specific legal system and the existing departmental law; The third part is the introduction of international experience. This paper mainly introduces the United States and the United Kingdom. The legislative and practical experience of Europe and Japan in the legal system governing foreign exchange margin transactions. The introduction focuses on the problem solving in part two. Part 4th mainly focuses on the problems in part three. Suggestions. In order to standardize the foreign exchange margin trading market, the specific contents include: first, to identify systemic risks and improve the crisis management mechanism at the macro level; The second is to make clear regulations at the level of access system and investor protection. Third, by combining the advanced experience of foreign countries and the relevant contents of ISDA master agreement in the legal level to resolve the content that is contrary to the existing law.


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