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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-24 13:32

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 公有宗教財(cái)產(chǎn) 法律制度 監(jiān)管主體 監(jiān)管內(nèi)容 監(jiān)管方式 出處:《西南大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:The religious property as the core of religious affairs, is a key problem in management of religious affairs according to law. Religious property including public religious property and non - religious property, public property is the property of all religious religious or collective all countries. China's land ownership nature and special protection for historical relics, mapping to public supervision in the field of religious property for our country, the public supervision of religious property objects including religious land, religious relics. Public ownership of religious property because of its special structure and user management of phase separation, become an important topic of religious property management standards in accordance with the law. Legal provisions of China's current public regulation of religious property, from different legal position is different department law ownership of religious property confirmation, property supervision, financial management and other regulations, involving civil law, religious law and local law Regulations and other provisions of the law. Although our country public religious property supervision legal system is to system, legal, and meticulous way, but there are still logical confusion, vague language, vague shortcomings existing in our country's public provisions. The regulation of religious property also have religious property in the public supervision, supervision the contents of three aspects, the ways of supervision. The supervision subject, is a department of religious affairs supervision authority is not clear, lack of supervision, public supervision of the main two religious property except the Department of religious affairs, but also involves the Department of cultural relics protection, land administration department, audit department, Department of Tourism management, is not clear between different regulatory bodies the division of functions and powers, the coordination mechanism is not perfect. In the supervision content, a law is lack of purpose use principle, lead to the lack of functional departments to determine religious organizations using public religious property The legal basis for the production of behavior is consistent with the religious purposes; two is the use of public religious property income lack of a comprehensive financial management system, easy to breed embezzle public religious property income behavior; three is the behavior of religious organizations to use public religious property lack of collective decision-making mechanism, to ensure the use of public property in accordance with the religion prudent and reasonable principle. In the way of supervision, is a "religious affairs Ordinance to the religious affairs department passive regulatory authority to the public to fully grasp the actual situation of religious property; the two is to use the public, religious property management income, lack of comprehensive information disclosure; three is the masses of believers, and other social groups the public to participate in public religious property supervision, this objection is lack of effective relief way. Therefore, the public supervision of religious property law system. The need to monitor the content from three aspects, the subject of supervision, supervision of the regulatory body., first, need to endow the religious affairs department active supervision authority, coordination of multiple regulatory body regulatory authority; secondly, to solve the township, village level public affairs management of religious property but more religious affairs management personnel shortage the problem; finally, give full play to the religion Association's regulatory functions, strengthening public religious property supervision. In the supervision content, first of all, the purpose of use as the core, the reconstruction of public religious property supervision content, to the protection of religious land use, religious heritage, religious benefits in line with commercial purposes, to the public the chaos of religious property excessive consumption; secondly, in which the public ownership of religious property as the core, regulation on religious religious land, property management of religious relics, in order to regulate the organization of public religion The use of religious property, income behavior; finally, by drawing on the responsibility of officer system and collective decision-making system of Japanese religious Corporation Law > <, behavior norms of our public religious property use. In the aspect of ways of supervision, first of all, with the reference of Japanese religious legal law > < the publicity system, from the object of information disclosure, disclosure the contents, disclosure, disclosure of the legal effect of four level thinking path for the construction of China's public information disclosure system of religious property; secondly, from the United States the use of tax leverage regulatory means profit behavior of religious organizations, religious organizations in China can adopt the unfair use of public property to obtain income tax burden imposed on religious behavior. The supervision of the illegal use of public benefits, religious property behavior; finally, through the comparative study of Japan and South Korea religious property registration system, for the construction of China's religious land, religious heritage property The system of registration of production provides useful reference and perfected the way of supervision of public religious property in our country.



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