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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-22 16:21

  本文關鍵詞: 非公企業(yè) 黨組織 問題對策 出處:《長春工業(yè)大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:This article through a large number of data, reading and sorting out the relevant monographs, to a certain extent, absorb the previous non-public party building research important academic results. On this basis, the analysis of party politics is the basic political characteristics of the contemporary world and the background material for the rapid development of non-public economy. This paper discusses the necessity and significance of the construction of the Party organization in non-public enterprises, and applies the theory of Marxist Party building and consulting materials, the field investigation, the analysis and comprehensive comparison and so on. This paper analyzes and demonstrates the key links and prominent problems of the party building in non-public enterprises, and tries to solve the bottleneck problem that restricts the non-public party building, and combines with the requirements of the new situation. We should strive to innovate the mechanism of the economic development of non-public enterprises and the construction of party organizations to promote the standardization and institutionalization of non-public party building. The first chapter focuses on the introduction of the non-public party construction of the source and significance of the research status at home and abroad. The second chapter introduces the meaning and characteristics of non-public enterprises, non-public party building, the status and role of the party organizations in non-public enterprises. The third chapter analyzes the current situation and the bottleneck of the development of the party construction in the non-public enterprises, mainly because the ideological understanding of the party building in the non-public enterprises is lagging behind. The role of the party organizations is not obvious, the education and management of non-public enterprise party members is difficult, and in the third section of the specific analysis and demonstration of the existing problems. 4th chapter in detail to solve the non-public party building countermeasures. The main problems of non-public party building can be solved as far as possible. The first section strengthens the party organization construction in non-public enterprises, and the second section optimizes the working mode of party building in non-public enterprises. In the third section, we should strengthen the construction of party members in non-public enterprises, perfect the leading management system of party building in non-public enterprises in 4th, and focus on the problems and countermeasures of establishing party organizations by recruiting party members in non-public enterprises. The position of the Party and the government in the construction of the Party in non-public enterprises, the formulation of policies and the implementation of measures and so on. The future trend of the party construction in the non-public enterprises and the thought of giving full play to the role of political leadership. The research result is to discuss the necessity and feasibility of the party building in the non-public enterprises from the angle of the political party. The second is to define the political status of the party organizations in non-public enterprises as the core role of politics and better guide the healthy development of non-public enterprises.


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