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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-22 04:38

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 政府購(gòu)買 社會(huì)組織 居家養(yǎng)老服務(wù) 出處:《哈爾濱商業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:The proportion of the elderly population in China is much higher than the international standard, and the aging rate of Harbin is much higher than the national average. The aging of the population has become a reality. Better deal with this grim situation. It is undoubtedly the most concerned issue for all the elderly to be supported, supported and valued by some people in our country, and it is also the realization of building a harmonious society by the country. A powerful weapon to alleviate social contradictions. So the study of old-age services more suitable for the elderly undoubtedly has far-reaching significance. Home pension service is superior to institutional pension in social recognition and elderly satisfaction. In the operation mechanism and specialization than the traditional family pension mode. Solve the problems and difficulties in the operation of the home pension service mode, the right remedy, improve the home pension service mode. It is not only conducive to the elderly to have a happy old age, but also can fully reduce the burden of future generations, so that our residents can work in a less stressful environment, do business. To provide a positive driving force for the national economic development, and finally to achieve the functions of government services and social management. Through the Harbin municipal government to purchase the actual situation of home pension services were investigated. It is found that the Harbin Municipal Government has established the purchase mechanism of the home pension service, and the related preferential policies have been implemented, but the deficiency of the policy is that the responsibility of the government and social organizations is not clear. The degree of marketization of purchase is not high, the process needs to be standardized. The existence of the importance of the third party evaluation has affected the actual purchase benefit to a certain extent. By learning from the experience of the western developed countries to purchase the home pension service and the domestic development of the purchase of home pension service. The typical practice of good provinces and cities. The author thinks that there are some problems in the government's purchase of the services for the aged at home, which is not groundless. It is influenced by the level of economic development, the orientation of government functions, the concept of social old-age support and the restriction of the service ability of non-profit social organizations. There are difficulties in development, it is not surprising. In order to achieve the comprehensive and coordinated development of retirement services in Harbin, regardless of whether the government as the main participants in the main need in the service of rights, responsibilities, operating mechanism. The service content and process, service effect evaluation and supervision are strengthened. In view of the current situation and problems of Harbin municipal government purchasing home pension service, the improvement measures are put forward. In order to provide a reference for the healthy development of home pension services in Harbin. Aging has become a common problem, the study of the government to buy home pension services. Harbin municipal government purchase home pension service research is divided into five chapters, the first chapter introduction. This paper mainly expounds the background, research purpose and significance of the purchase of home pension service by Harbin municipal government, and the current research situation at home and abroad. The second chapter expounds the connotation of the purchase of home pension service by the government. The third chapter analyzes the current situation and existing problems of Harbin municipal government purchasing home pension services. Chapter 4th is a comparative study of the British, American, Japanese and other foreign governments and Shenyang, Songyuan City. Xuzhou City and other local governments purchase the characteristics of home pension services, experience and inspiration. Chapter 5th for the existing problems, referring to domestic and foreign advanced experience in purchasing services. This paper points out some suggestions on how to perfect Harbin municipal government's purchase of home pension service.


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