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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-20 13:20

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 信賴?yán)?期待利益 裁判模式 信賴?yán)姹Wo(hù) 誠(chéng)信政府 出處:《吉林大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:From the beginning of the judicial case study in Germany to the "trust interest" in administrative law, to this theoretical study appeared in the works of Chinese scholars. Then to the Supreme people's Court of the "Yimin Company" judgment documents, until the implementation of the "Administrative Licensing Law", the administrative law "trust interests" system research has been more and more scholars pay attention to. At the same time, it also attracts the attention of the administrative law circles of our country. Deepening the theoretical research of trust interest system and using it flexibly in judicial practice is not only a booster to enhance the credibility of the government, but also to build a good faith government. At the same time to improve the administrative efficiency of the main body of administration. It is beneficial to prevent the public power from unscrupulously ensuring the reasonable expectation of the relative party. This paper mainly summarizes and combs the related problems of the "trust interest" system in the administrative law to a certain extent. The structure is divided into six parts: the first part is the discrimination of the concept of "trust interest", focusing on the analysis of the field of civil law and criminal law field of "trust interest", because the source of the concept of "trust interest" lies in the field of private law. Then it develops to the public law circles, carries on the contrast to the different legal departments, can better clarify the trust interest concept. The second part is the elaboration administrative law "trust interest" the basic theory. The third part mainly explains the differences between "trust interest", "expectation interest" and "legal interest". The purpose of the systematic explanation of the composition of the administrative trust interest is to accurately grasp how the trust relative person produces the trust interest. Part 4th and part 5th mainly explain the specific expression types of trust interests in the administrative legal relationship and the way to protect them. This paper probes into the relationship between various ways of protection. Part 6th is an analysis of the norms of "reliance interest" in the current law of our country and the application of "trust interest" to the judicial practice of our country in recent years. And related theoretical judgment of the typical case analysis and consolidation. This paper puts forward some feasible suggestions on the application of the theory of "trust interest" in the future judicial field of our country. Part 7th mainly summarizes the significance of the system of "trust interest" in administrative law. It also puts forward some ideas about the construction of our country's "trust interest" system in the future.


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