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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-20 09:50

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 中國(guó)青年黨 舊政協(xié) 政治民主化 軍隊(duì)國(guó)家化 出處:《中共北京市委黨!2017年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Al-Shabaab was first named "Chinese National Youth League", which was founded on December 1923 and officially named "Chinese Youth Party" in August 1929. It is called "Al-Shabaab" or "Zhongqing" for short. The old CPPCC was an important attempt by the Chinese people to establish a democratic republic through peaceful means. Representatives of the five parties involved in the meeting expressed their views and demands. Among them, Al-Shabaab of China was one of the important middle parties in the conference. The views and demands it expressed showed well the political choices made by the middle parties in Chinese society at that time when the two parties were in a situation of strong rivalry between the two parties, and analyzed the political views of the Chinese Shabaab in the old CPPCC. It is possible to understand more clearly why it eventually chose to follow the KMT and to make it more clear that the centrist party will have a bright future only if it follows the Chinese Communist Party. In order to give full play to the function of the political party itself, it will not be reduced to the "political vase" under the rule of the political party. Firstly, the author narrates the general situation of the Chinese Shabaab, establishes it, and represents the characters. The basic proposition is simply combed, and points out the relationship between Al-Shabaab and NLD. Secondly, it describes the general situation of the old CPPCC, mainly combing the international and domestic background of the old CPPCC, and on this basis. The question of the number of Al-Shabaab participating in the old CPPCC was analyzed. This paper narrates and analyzes the basic propositions expressed by Al-Shabaab in the old CPPCC. The discussion on its basic propositions is mainly divided into three sections, namely, political democratization. At the end of this paper, the author analyzes comprehensively the position of Al-Shabaab, and explains its "intermediate position", and its essence is to maintain the ruling position of the Kuomintang. Finally. This paper describes the end of the old CPPCC and the fate of the Al-Shabaab. The change of position and political choice of the Al-Shabaab after the old CPPCC determine its fate.


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