
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 交通工程論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-28 19:05
[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, China has gradually turned to the reform of the market economy system. The flexible, efficient, concise and transparent administrative system and management mode adapted to the market economy have become the inevitable requirements of the government reform. Promoting government performance management is the direction of government administration reform in the new period. Ship inspection organization is an administrative institution engaged in statutory inspection of ships. Its performance management is different from the narrow sense of government performance management, and it is closely combined with professional and technical work. Business performance is not only reflected in the results of work but also in the process of work characteristics. The narrow government performance management work mode is not fully applicable to it, and it has a unique representation in the broad government organizations. At present, the domestic research on ship inspection institutions is still stagnant in the establishment and operation of quality management system, there is almost no research on its performance management, about how to combine with its quality management system, There is no precedent to study the performance management in the optimal period of the operation result of the quality management system, which is the innovation of this paper. In this paper, through a lot of literature research and field research, take X Province ship Inspection Bureau as an example: first of all, points out the current situation and existing problems of the performance management of ship inspection institutions in China. At present, there are some problems in the performance management of shipbuilding inspection institutions at all levels in our country, such as unreasonable performance target setting, performance monitoring as a formality, insufficient performance feedback and diagnosis, low reliability of performance appraisal results, insufficient public participation in performance appraisal and so on. Secondly, the problems existing in the performance management of ship inspection institutions in our country are not in place from the reform of the administrative management system, and the theoretical understanding and practical experience are insufficient. The reasons for the limited resources of administrative management and the particularity of ship inspection organization performance management are analyzed. It is pointed out that the improvement of the performance management of ship inspection institutions in our country depends on the multi-channel solution, the continuous improvement of the administrative management system reform, and the increasing training of the personnel concerned in the performance management. At the same time, we can improve the performance management ability by other auxiliary means, that is, to optimize the performance management by using the quality management system which covers all the professional technical work processes. Thirdly, the paper points out that it is necessary to optimize performance management by using quality management system to save resources, improve work efficiency and benefit two management tools to complement each other. Has the management concept consistent, the management principle is compatible, and the highly consistent process method feasibility. Finally, the paper discusses the concrete countermeasures to optimize the performance management by using the quality management system. Through quality management system quality planning and performance planning integration, system monitoring and measurement and performance monitoring, quality management system internal audit and performance evaluation, management review and performance feedback, and other links, To achieve the quality management system management results to optimize performance management. The research on the performance management of ship inspection institutions not only has important guidance and reference significance for the national ship inspection agencies, but also enriches the basic research on the performance management of our government, and is of great significance to the promotion of government performance management in our country.


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