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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-28 12:06
[Abstract]:In view of the particularity of the widening and rebuilding of highway roadbed in mountainous area, the numerical simulation of dynamic construction mechanics behavior is carried out by using nonlinear finite element method to construct the retaining wall and fill the new roadbed step by step. In view of whether the new roadbed is reinforced, the difference of the reinforced layer and the compaction condition of the new roadbed under the balance platform, the stability and safety of the new subgrade, the form of sliding surface and the settlement of the new roadbed are discussed. Parameter sensitivity analysis was carried out on the influence of mechanical response such as displacement of retaining wall. The dynamic coupling relationship between the settlement of the new and old roadbed top surface and the displacement of retaining wall is investigated by combining the results of geo-centrifugal model test of widening roadbed with different active displacement modes of indoor simulated wall. In the dynamic construction of widening and rebuilding of highway roadbed in mountainous area, the displacement of retaining wall and the settlement of the new and old roadbed top surface are coupled with each other and have a positive correlation with each other. Insufficient compaction of the new embankment under the counterweight platform will increase the differential settlement of the new and old roadbed top surface. The active extroversion of retaining wall induces large additional (differential) settlement on the top surface of new and old subgrade. It is appropriate to modify and amplify the differential settlement caused by autoclave compaction of new subgrade and design the upper bearing pavement structure.
【作者單位】: 西南交通大學(xué)土木工程學(xué)院;西南交通大學(xué)道路工程四川省重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室;西南交通大學(xué)高速鐵路線路工程教育部重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室;


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