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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-27 18:50
【摘要】:近年來我國的公路運(yùn)輸事業(yè)取得了巨大的發(fā)展,隨著高速公路的大規(guī)模建設(shè),軟土地基處理的問題顯得越來越重要。雖然軟土地基的加固手段日益完善,可以使其沉降并達(dá)到足夠堅(jiān)固,但是其長期穩(wěn)定性也是一個重要的問題。軟土地基如果處理不當(dāng)或后期穩(wěn)定性不足,將會引發(fā)路基的滑塌、沉陷、開裂等危害,進(jìn)而影響道路的正常使用。為了有效的監(jiān)測土基的穩(wěn)定性,有必要找到一種長期有效的監(jiān)測手段來監(jiān)測軟土地基的工作狀態(tài),進(jìn)而在其影響道路正常使用之前采取相應(yīng)措施進(jìn)行加固處理。 光纖光柵傳感技術(shù)的不斷發(fā)展以及其在工程實(shí)際中的不斷應(yīng)用,為軟土地基的實(shí)時動態(tài)監(jiān)測提供了一種新方法。將光纖光柵傳感器應(yīng)用到工程實(shí)際中,不僅可以監(jiān)測道路路基的工作狀態(tài),提供報警信息,還可以為力學(xué)分析提供寶貴的實(shí)測數(shù)據(jù)。 本文利用軟土地基處理中常用的土工格柵作為光纖光柵的封裝材料,并對封裝方法進(jìn)行了改良,制作了適用于道路土基監(jiān)測的傳感器。通過室內(nèi)標(biāo)定試驗(yàn)對傳感器進(jìn)行標(biāo)定,得出該傳感器的靈敏度系數(shù),并且該系數(shù)與裸光纖本身的靈敏度系數(shù)非常接近,可以滿足道路監(jiān)測的需要。將傳感器埋設(shè)于安哥拉實(shí)驗(yàn)路的土基中,在路面施工完全結(jié)束之后監(jiān)測了試驗(yàn)路段在移動荷載下的應(yīng)變變化情況,處理分析采集的數(shù)據(jù),并觀察傳感器的成活率及工作狀態(tài)。 此外,利用有限元軟件ABAQUS模擬了施加荷載的過程,依據(jù)實(shí)際道路結(jié)構(gòu)建立了相應(yīng)的路面力學(xué)分析模型,對比分析了模擬分析的結(jié)果與道路實(shí)測數(shù)據(jù)的處理結(jié)果,驗(yàn)證了FBG監(jiān)測技術(shù)的可靠性。結(jié)果表明,該封裝方法既可以很好地保護(hù)光纖光柵,又可以保證其測得數(shù)據(jù)的可靠性,滿足道路土基監(jiān)測的需要,為土基監(jiān)測提供了一種新的方法。
[Abstract]:In recent years, highway transportation in China has made great progress. With the large-scale construction of highway, the problem of soft soil foundation treatment is becoming more and more important. Although the reinforcement method of soft soil foundation is more and more perfect, it can make it settle and be strong enough, but its long-term stability is also an important problem. If the soft soil foundation is not handled properly or is not stable enough in the later period, it will cause the collapse, subsidence and cracking of the roadbed, and then affect the normal use of the road. In order to effectively monitor the stability of soil foundation, it is necessary to find a long-term effective monitoring method to monitor the working state of soft soil foundation, and then take appropriate measures to strengthen the soil foundation before it affects the normal use of roads. The continuous development of fiber Bragg grating sensing technology and its application in engineering practice provide a new method for real-time dynamic monitoring of soft soil foundation. The application of fiber Bragg grating sensor to engineering practice can not only monitor the working state of roadbed, provide alarm information, but also provide valuable data for mechanical analysis. In this paper, the geogrid, which is commonly used in soft soil foundation treatment, is used as the packaging material of fiber Bragg grating (FBG), and the encapsulation method is improved, and the sensor suitable for road soil foundation monitoring is made. The sensitivity coefficient of the sensor is obtained through indoor calibration test, and the sensitivity coefficient of the sensor is very close to that of bare fiber itself, which can meet the needs of road monitoring. The sensor is embedded in the soil foundation of the experimental road in Angola. After the completion of the road construction, the strain changes of the test section under moving load are monitored, the collected data are processed, and the survival rate and working state of the sensor are observed. In addition, the process of loading is simulated by the finite element software ABAQUS, and the corresponding road mechanics analysis model is established according to the actual road structure. The results of simulation analysis are compared with the processing results of the measured road data. The reliability of FBG monitoring technology is verified. The results show that the encapsulation method can not only protect FBG well, but also ensure the reliability of the measured data. It can meet the needs of road soil foundation monitoring and provide a new method for soil foundation monitoring.


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