
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 交通工程論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-27 17:34
[Abstract]:Rubber asphalt technology is a widely used road engineering material technology in the world at present. The reason why it is favored by people is that the modified asphalt obtained by this technology has very good characteristics. The rubber powder used in the production of rubber asphalt comes from waste tires, which provides an effective way to reuse the waste of this kind of waste rubber products and can kill two birds with one stone. Any engineering technology can not be separated from engineering equipment as the foundation and support, and rubber asphalt is no exception. At present, the research and development of rubber asphalt preparation equipment is mostly focused on large-scale production equipment. But for the research and development of modified asphalt, the most important is the test link, if there is no professional experimental equipment to provide protection, then the test effect will be half the effort. Therefore, it is necessary to study this miniaturized experimental preparation equipment. On the basis of field investigation and reading literature, this paper summarizes the shortcomings of the present experimental preparation equipment in three aspects: heating, stirring, ventilation and purification. In this paper, the above three aspects will be taken as the research direction, and the research will be carried out by means of theoretical analysis, computer simulation and experimental verification. In the heating aspect, after analyzing the characteristics and limitations of various common heating methods, electromagnetic heating is used as the heating method of asphalt, and the magnetic field on the wall of the vessel under different parameters is obtained by ANSYS simulation. The suitable excitation current and frequency range are determined by cloud diagram of eddy current and temperature distribution. In the aspect of stirring, by consulting the literature, the six-leaf disk turbine agitator is selected, and the baffle, agitator size, stirring position, viscosity, rubber particle size, The influence of stirring speed on the distribution of rubber powder and the modal response of blade under prestress were simulated. In the area of ventilation purification, through the careful study of the control mode of ventilation, the way of airflow organization and the comparison and optimization of the characteristics of various air purification methods, combined with the practical application situation, In this paper, the overall ventilation was selected and the air flow organization was adopted, and the adsorption method with activated carbon as the adsorbent was used to purify the vessel. Then the ventilation process in three common locations of the container was simulated. Finally, a confirmatory test is designed for the three aspects, and the validity of the design is verified by the experiment, and its performance is more practical and intuitionistic with the help of the experimental phenomena and the experimental data obtained.


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