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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-26 15:15
【摘要】:本文利用流體計算軟件fluent提供的RNG K-ε紊流模型,采用Vof法追蹤自由水面,以某水庫工程的消力池為基礎,采用1:100的模型比尺縮放,通過數(shù)值仿真得到了相應工程的計算結(jié)果,如池內(nèi)流態(tài),臨底流速,底板動水壓強,以及橋墩處的壓強和流速等。 本文的研究重點是如何減小消力池出池水流對水庫下游公路橋墩的影響,為此筆者提出了消力池體型的優(yōu)化設計方案。采用數(shù)值仿真的方法,分析所得結(jié)果(出池水流對橋墩的作用等)是否符合工程的實際要求。從本工程的實際情況以及一些學者的研究成果來看,優(yōu)化消力池的體型,必須從三個方面著手:一、控制消力池的底板壓力在一定范圍內(nèi)(p120pa)二、控制消力池水流的臨底流速在一定范圍內(nèi)(v0.6m/s)三、控制橋墩所在位置的壓強和流速在一定范圍內(nèi)(p100pa, v0.4m/s),以保證在減小消力池出池水流對橋墩影響的情況下,對消力池本身不造成過大的破壞。因此下文將從這三個方面,系統(tǒng)的分析優(yōu)化消力池體型后的計算結(jié)果是否符合工程的實際要求。 本文采用二維計算模型,計算取的是從溢洪道的消力池直至下游河水中的無限長的水域,本次計算長度設定為67cm,其中消力池寬度是l0cm,取消力池縱剖面的軸線進行研究。分別計算不同的消力池體型,水流在橋墩上游位置的流態(tài)、壓強及流速的變化等。然后不斷的優(yōu)化消力池的體型,看能否達到工程的實際要求。選擇100年一遇的流量下的工況計算并優(yōu)化,因為100年一遇的流量對工程結(jié)構(gòu)的破壞有一定的警示意義。 通過計算和分析,得出優(yōu)化的體型能夠保證水流對消力池底板的壓力和臨底流速在可承受范圍內(nèi),不至于破壞底板。在一定程度上能減少對下游河道高速公路橋墩及公路的影響,但仍會對橋墩造成一定的破壞。因此,建議在工程實踐中采用三角導流板分流,降低水流對公路橋墩的作用。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the RNG K- 蔚 turbulence model provided by the fluid calculation software fluent is used to track the free water surface by using the Vof method. Based on the stilling pool of a reservoir project, the scale of the model is 1: 100. Through numerical simulation, the corresponding engineering results are obtained, such as the flow state in the pool, the near bottom velocity, the hydrodynamic pressure of the bottom plate, and the pressure and velocity at the pier, etc. The emphasis of this paper is on how to reduce the influence of the outlet flow of the stilling pool on the bridge piers downstream of the reservoir. Therefore, the author puts forward the optimal design scheme of the stilling pool shape. The numerical simulation method is used to analyze whether the results (the effect of the flow out of the pond on the pier etc.) meet the practical requirements of the project. From the actual situation of the project and the research results of some scholars, we must start from three aspects to optimize the shape of the stilling pool: first, to control the bottom pressure of the stilling pool within a certain range (p120pa) 2, The critical bottom velocity of the stilling pool is controlled within a certain range (v0.6m/s), and the pressure and velocity of the bridge pier are controlled within a certain range (p100pa, v0.4m/s). In order to ensure that the impact of the flow of the stilling pool on the pier is reduced, the stilling pool itself does not cause too much damage. Therefore, the following three aspects, the system analysis of the optimization of the stilling pool shape after the calculation results meet the actual requirements of the project. In this paper, a two-dimensional model is used to calculate the infinite length of water from the stilling pool of the spillway to the infinite length of the downstream river. The calculated length is set at 67 cm, in which the width of the stilling pool is 10 cm. The axial line of the longitudinal section of the spillway is cancelled. Different types of stilling pool, flow pattern of flow upstream of pier, variation of pressure and velocity are calculated respectively. Then continuously optimize the shape of the stilling pool to see if it can meet the actual requirements of the project. The operating conditions under the flow rate of 100 years are selected and optimized, because the flow rate once in 100 years has a certain warning significance to the damage of the engineering structure. Through calculation and analysis, it is concluded that the optimized shape can ensure that the pressure and the flow velocity of the bottom plate of the stilling pool are within the tolerable range, so that the bottom plate will not be damaged. To some extent, it can reduce the influence on the pier and highway of the downstream river highway, but it will still cause some damage to the pier. Therefore, it is suggested that triangular diversion plate should be used in engineering practice to reduce the effect of water flow on highway piers.


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