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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-12 20:44
【摘要】:自錨式懸索橋的特點是將主纜錨固于梁的端部,省略了橋兩端的錨碇。這樣有利于在地質(zhì)條件惡劣,不適合修建重力式錨碇的地方修建。我國是一個多地震的國家,地震所造成的損失占自然災(zāi)害損失的比例很高。本文所研究大橋位于盤錦地區(qū),由于區(qū)域地質(zhì)構(gòu)造等原因,盤錦地區(qū)成為我國東北地區(qū)沿海軟土的主要分布區(qū)。因此對在軟土地基建設(shè)的橋梁進行地震分析具有很重要的工程意義。 本文以一座主跨跨徑為180m的自錨式懸索橋為研究對象,進行了結(jié)構(gòu)的有限元計算分析。系統(tǒng)地研究了樁土相互作用和地震動參數(shù)等因素對橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)動力特性及地震反應(yīng)的影響。 本文介紹了建立和求解動力方程的經(jīng)典理論。采用Midas Civil建立了主跨180m的混凝土自錨式懸索橋盤錦緯一河大橋的有限元模型。有限元模型分為兩種,一種采用“m法”建立樁土模型,另一種采用“p-y曲線法”建立樁土模型。對“m法”樁土相互作用模型的自振特性進行分析,得到了前100階頻率和相應(yīng)振型。對比分析墩底固結(jié)模型和樁土相互作用模型自振特性的差異。 對“m法”樁土模型進行反應(yīng)譜分析,作為該橋地震響應(yīng)的初步分析。介紹了選取地震波的基本方法,并通過調(diào)整實際地震記錄的方法,生成了擬合規(guī)范反應(yīng)譜的人工波,選擇人工波作為輸入。對“p-y曲線法”模型進行了地震響應(yīng)時程分析,并對比了“m法”模型和“p-y曲線法”模型的時程分析結(jié)果。對比發(fā)現(xiàn)對于縱向周期比較長的自錨式懸索橋,兩種計算模型的結(jié)果相差不大。 再次本文對兩種模型分別進行了罕遇地震作用下的時程分析,分析時程分析的結(jié)果兩種模型的位移有差別,內(nèi)力相差不大。
[Abstract]:Self-anchored suspension bridge is characterized by anchoring the main cable to the end of the beam and omitting the Anchorage at both ends of the bridge. This is conducive to the construction of gravity Anchorage where geological conditions are poor. China is a country with many earthquakes, and the damage caused by earthquakes accounts for a high proportion of natural disaster losses. The bridge studied in this paper is located in Panjin area. Due to regional geological structure, Panjin area has become the main distribution area of soft soil in Northeast China. Therefore, the seismic analysis of bridges on soft foundation is of great engineering significance. In this paper, a self-anchored suspension bridge with a main span of 180m is taken as the research object, and the finite element analysis of the structure is carried out. The effects of pile-soil interaction and seismic parameters on the dynamic characteristics and seismic response of bridge structures are systematically studied. In this paper, the classical theory of establishing and solving dynamic equations is introduced. The finite element model of Panjinwei-Yihe Bridge with main span of 180m is established by using Midas Civil. There are two kinds of finite element models, one is to establish pile-soil model by "m method", the other is to establish pile-soil model by "p-y curve method". The natural vibration characteristics of the "m method" pile-soil interaction model are analyzed, and the first 100 frequencies and corresponding modes are obtained. The difference of natural vibration between consolidation model and pile-soil interaction model is analyzed. The response spectrum analysis of "m method" pile-soil model is used as a preliminary analysis of the seismic response of the bridge. This paper introduces the basic method of selecting seismic wave, and by adjusting the actual seismic record, the artificial wave fitting the normal response spectrum is generated, and the artificial wave is selected as the input. The seismic response time history analysis of "p-y curve method" model is carried out, and the results of time history analysis of "m method" model and "p-y curve method" model are compared. It is found that there is no significant difference between the two models for self-anchored suspension bridges with long longitudinal periods. Thirdly, the time history analysis of the two models under rare earthquake is carried out respectively. The results of the analysis show that the displacement of the two models is different and the internal force is not different.


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