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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-11 19:11
【摘要】:近20多年來,我國建造了數(shù)量眾多、形式各一的鋼管混凝土拱橋,受到地形、通航條件等限制,平原地區(qū)多以中、下承式鋼管混凝土系桿拱橋為主。但是由于該橋型在我國興起的比較晚,設(shè)計時未能考慮到吊桿的更換問題,由于種種原因,對吊桿的理論認(rèn)識不深入。同時,由于受工藝、設(shè)計、施工等條件的限制,一些早期的系桿拱橋存在著吊桿防腐性能差等一系列缺陷。本文以杭州塘大橋吊桿更換為背景,對系桿拱橋吊桿更換施工技術(shù)進(jìn)行研究。 本文主要研究內(nèi)容如下: 1)收集資料概述了系桿拱橋的發(fā)展?fàn)顩r、類型和特點; 2)概述了幾種吊桿力的測試方法,著重介紹了振動法測試吊桿力的原理和方法及注意事項; 3)總結(jié)了吊桿更換的幾種方法,并詳細(xì)介紹了臨時兜吊法更換吊桿的原理及方法; 4)以早期建設(shè)的系桿拱橋吊桿更換為背景,應(yīng)用有限元軟件建立更換吊桿分析模型,通過計算索力逼近實測索力,控制系桿位移,更換新吊桿使全橋新吊桿力接近均勻的理論索力; 5)結(jié)合工程實踐,對系桿拱橋吊桿更換的前期檢測、中期施工監(jiān)控的全過程進(jìn)行了總結(jié)和探討,形成一套系桿拱橋吊桿更換的工藝技術(shù)。
[Abstract]:In the past 20 years, a large number of concrete filled steel tubular arch bridges have been built in China, which are limited by topography, navigation conditions and so on. However, due to the late rise of the bridge type in our country, the replacement of the suspension rod has not been taken into account in the design. For various reasons, the theoretical understanding of the suspension rod is not thorough. At the same time, because of the limitation of technology, design and construction, some early tied arch bridges have a series of defects, such as poor anticorrosion performance of suspenders. In this paper, the construction technology of suspender replacement of tied arch bridge is studied based on Hangzhou Tangtang Bridge suspender replacement. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1) the development status, types and characteristics of tied arch bridge are summarized by collecting data, 2) several measuring methods of suspender force are summarized. This paper introduces emphatically the principle, method and matters needing attention of measuring the force of suspenders by vibration method, 3) summarizes several methods of replacement of suspenders, and introduces in detail the principle and method of replacing suspenders by temporary hoist method. 4) based on the replacement of suspenders of the early construction of tied arch bridge, the finite element software is used to establish the analytical model of replacement suspenders. The cable force is approximated to the measured cable force by calculating the cable force, and the displacement of the tie rod is controlled. The theoretical cable force of the new suspender force of the whole bridge is close to uniform by replacing the new suspension rod. 5) combined with the engineering practice, the paper summarizes and discusses the whole process of the early detection and the interim construction monitoring of the replacement of the suspenders of the tied arch bridge. Form a set of tie arch bridge suspenders replacement technology.


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