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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-11 10:24
【摘要】:現(xiàn)已有大量試驗結果證明煤矸石作為道路工程中的路基填料,在正常情況下路用性能可以達標,但在自然環(huán)境中,淋溶作用是否會對煤矸石路基沉降產(chǎn)生影響并未得到驗證。因此本論文采取靜態(tài)淋溶的試驗方法,模擬陰雨、酸雨、地上水位上升以及工業(yè)和生活廢水浸淹環(huán)境條件下,研究淋溶作用對煤矸石路基沉降的影響。 本文選用東勝煤矸石和烏海煤矸石進行試驗。試驗采用CH3COOH、中性以及NaOH淋溶液,每種淋溶液下設1:1、1:2.5、1:3、1:4、1:5的五個固液比組,分別測定試驗小組在1、3、7、11、15天后堆積液的pH值,并將影響變化最大的初始淋溶液固液比為1:1的煤矸石進行X射線衍射技術(XRD)分析,研究其物質(zhì)成分變化,最后對其進行FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua-快速拉格朗日分析法)數(shù)值軟件模擬,研究煤矸石路基沉降,并通過pH值、XRD圖譜變化規(guī)律對數(shù)值模擬的路基沉降發(fā)生的變化進行分析。 研究結果表明,經(jīng)過淋溶作用,兩地煤矸石的最終淋溶液均為酸性,且所含高嶺石和SiO2的含量都有所變化,并會生成一些黏性物質(zhì),導致酸堿液浸泡過的東勝、烏海煤矸石路基沉降都相對較小,因此,當煤矸石路基處于酸堿液淋溶作用條件下,若達到本文試驗模擬的情況下時,會減小路基沉降量。
[Abstract]:A large number of test results have proved that coal gangue, as the subgrade filler in road engineering, can meet the road performance under normal conditions, but in the natural environment, the effect of leaching on the settlement of coal gangue subgrade has not been verified. In this paper, the static leaching test method is adopted to simulate the effects of leaching on the settlement of coal gangue roadbed under the conditions of rain, acid rain, rising water level above ground and flooding of industrial and domestic wastewater. In this paper, Dongsheng coal gangue and Wuhai coal gangue are selected for test. CH3COOH, neutral solution and NaOH solution were used in the experiment. Each solution was divided into five solid-liquid ratio groups of 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 4 and 1: 5, respectively. The pH values of the accumulated liquid in the test group after 15 days were measured respectively. The coal gangue, whose initial leaching solution solid-liquid ratio is 1:1, is analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique, and the change of its material composition is studied. Finally, the numerical simulation of the coal gangue with FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua- fast Lagrangian analysis is carried out. The settlement of coal gangue roadbed is studied, and the change of numerical simulation subgrade settlement is analyzed by pH value and XRD diagram. The results show that after leaching, the final leaching solution of coal gangue in both places is acidic, and the contents of kaolinite and SiO2 are changed, and some viscous substances are formed, which leads to Dongsheng, which has been soaked in acid and alkali solution. The settlement of coal gangue roadbed in Wuhai is relatively small. Therefore, when the roadbed of coal gangue is in the condition of acid and alkali leaching, the settlement of roadbed will be reduced if the simulation of this paper is achieved.


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