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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-13 19:22

  本文選題:斜拉橋 + 人工地震波。 參考:《西南交通大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:地震是一種破壞力極強的自然災害現象,發(fā)生頻繁且難以預測。作為關鍵性交通樞紐工程的斜拉橋,一旦遭受毀壞,將會造成嚴重的直接和間接生命財產損失,并且隨著近年來大跨度斜拉橋建設項目的興起,對其抗震分析方面的研究更是顯得迫切且必要。 對于跨度長達數百米甚至上千米的斜拉橋,基于一致激勵假設的地震反應分析方法已經不能滿足要求,還須考慮地震動隨時間和空間的變異性后進行多點激勵作用下的地震反應分析。 本文圍繞大跨度斜拉橋地震反應分析進行了如下幾方面的工作: 首先,介紹了空間相關非平穩(wěn)人工地震波合成的理論和數值模擬方法。其中,主要闡述了人工地震波合成的基本理論和具體方法,并介紹了分別用于考慮地震動空間相關性和非平穩(wěn)性的相干函數和相位差譜函數理論,基于這些理論本文采用MATLAB編制了空間相關非平穩(wěn)人工地震波的合成程序,并將程序所合成的人工地震波應用于本文相關地震反應分析; 其次,闡述了大跨度斜拉橋的幾何非線性問題及其有限元分析方法;介紹了大跨度斜拉橋動力計算分析的建模方法;基于非線性有限元理論,建立和推導了一致激勵和多點激勵作用下多自由度體系的非線性運動方程,并詳細闡述了直接積分法求解運動方程的具體推導過程和步驟;基于相關理論,本文采用MATLAB編制了斜拉橋幾何非線性平面桿系有限元靜力計算程序和地震反應動力時程分析程序。 最后,以一座大跨度斜拉橋為工程背景,以自編程序為分析工具,對其進行了一致激勵、行波效應和多點激勵地震作用下的地震反應分析,得出了一些對工程有益的結論,為大跨度斜拉橋的工程抗震分析提供了一些參考和依據。
[Abstract]:The earthquake is a devastating natural disaster phenomenon, frequent and unpredictable. As a key transportation hub cable-stayed bridge engineering, once destroyed, it will cause serious direct and indirect loss of life and property, and with the recent rise of the long-span cable-stayed bridge construction project, the seismic analysis the research is very urgent and necessary.
For a cable-stayed bridge spanning hundreds of meters or even thousands of kilometers, the seismic response analysis method based on consistent excitation hypothesis can no longer meet the requirements. We must consider the variability of ground motion with time and space, and conduct seismic response analysis under multi-point excitation.
In this paper, the seismic response analysis of the long-span cable-stayed bridge has been carried out in the following aspects:
First of all, introduced the related non space wave theory and numerical simulation method of stable artificial earthquake. Among them, mainly expounds the basic theory of artificial seismic wave synthesis and concrete method, are introduced respectively for considering ground motion spatial correlation and coherence function and the non stationarity of the phase difference spectrum function theory, the theory based on MATLAB the spatial correlation of nonstationary artificial seismic wave synthesis procedure based on artificial seismic wave and program synthesis is applied to analyze the seismic response;
Secondly, elaborated the geometric nonlinearity of long-span cable-stayed bridge and finite element analysis method; introduces the modeling method of calculation and analysis of large span cable-stayed bridge dynamic; nonlinear finite element theory, established and deduced the nonlinear equations of motion of uniform excitation and under the effect of multi degree of freedom system, and detailed the specific derivation process and steps of solving the motion equation of the direct integral method; based on the related theories, this paper uses MATLAB for cable-stayed bridge geometrical nonlinear finite element static dynamic calculation program and seismic response time history analysis program.
Finally, taking a long-span cable-stayed bridge as the engineering background, the program as the analysis tool, carries on the uniform excitation, traveling wave effect and the seismic response analysis of multi excitation under the action of earthquake, and draw some useful conclusions for the project, provide some reference and basis for engineering seismic analysis of long span cable stayed bridge.



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