

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-01 22:20

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:吉林省某銀行涉農(nóng)貸款風險管理研究 出處:《吉林大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 涉農(nóng)貸款 風險管理 信用風險 市場風險 操作風險

【摘要】:隨著我國農(nóng)村經(jīng)濟改革的深入,涉農(nóng)貸款作為支撐農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展的重要部分,在促進農(nóng)業(yè)科技進步,提升農(nóng)業(yè)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施及提高農(nóng)民收入等方面發(fā)揮了重要的作用。吉林省某銀行做為服務(wù)三農(nóng)的重要力量,涉農(nóng)貸款投放比例和投放金額逐年提高,初步探索出具有一定覆蓋性和功能性的涉農(nóng)貸款發(fā)展模式,但涉農(nóng)貸款仍面臨著信用、市場和操作等諸多的風險因素。實現(xiàn)涉農(nóng)貸款的可持續(xù)發(fā)展需要從貸款風險管理入手,揭示出目前涉農(nóng)貸款風險管理中存在的問題及成因,據(jù)此從機制上對涉農(nóng)貸款的風險管理措施進行調(diào)整,以期達到降低涉農(nóng)貸款風險的目的。 本文通過對吉林省某銀行涉農(nóng)貸款業(yè)務(wù)實地數(shù)據(jù)資料整理和分析,總結(jié)了影響變量涉農(nóng)貸款風險管理的指標因素,運用因子分析方法辨識出主要影響因素,,提出降低涉農(nóng)貸款風險的對策建議。文章分為以下幾個部分:第一部分,集中闡述本文研究的背景與意義,指出論文的研究方法、路線,列出文章結(jié)構(gòu)和主要內(nèi)容。第二部分:概念界定及基礎(chǔ)理論。對涉農(nóng)貸款和風險管理的相關(guān)概念進行了界定,指出涉農(nóng)貸款風險管理的特征。第三部分:吉林省某銀行的涉農(nóng)貸款風險管理現(xiàn)狀的分析。從吉林省某銀行涉農(nóng)貸款業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)模、貸款結(jié)構(gòu)、金融資產(chǎn)質(zhì)量等情況來具體分析影響吉林省某銀行的涉農(nóng)貸款的風險現(xiàn)狀,全面分析信用風險、操作風險和市場風險和經(jīng)濟資本的狀況。結(jié)合吉林省某銀行實際,從問題及成因兩個角度來分析涉農(nóng)貸款現(xiàn)有的主要風險,并解釋其影響的范圍。第四部分:吉林省某銀行涉農(nóng)貸款風險的實證分析?偨Y(jié)風險管理指標數(shù)據(jù),運用因子分析方法和步驟,找出影響風險管理水平的主要指標,得出風險管理和控制的結(jié)論。第五部分:降低吉林省某銀行涉農(nóng)貸款風險的對策建議。主要包括:構(gòu)建全面風險管理體系,建立相關(guān)信用風險控制機制,強化操作風險的評估和連續(xù)性管理,加強市場風險監(jiān)測管理,培育全員的風險管理意識,加強涉農(nóng)貸款業(yè)務(wù)管理的相關(guān)培訓等。第六部分:對本文進行總結(jié)。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of the rural economy, as an important part of agricultural loans to support agricultural development, in promoting the progress of agricultural science and technology, has played an important role in promoting the agricultural infrastructure and increase farmers' income. A bank of Jilin Province, an important force for rural services, agriculture related loans ratio and delivery amount increased year by year. Preliminary exploration with certain coverage and functional development of agriculture related loans mode, but agricultural loans is still faced with credit, market and operation risk factors. To start from the loan risk management to realize the sustainable development of agriculture related loans, reveals the problems and causes of the current agricultural loan risk management, accordingly from the mechanism on the agricultural loan risk management measures adjusted to reduce agricultural loan risk.
Based on the collation and analysis of Jilin province agriculture bank loan business field data, summarizes the influence variables of agriculture related loans risk management index, using the method of factor analysis to identify the main factors, put forward countermeasures and suggestions to reduce agricultural loan risk. This chapter is divided into the following parts: the first part focuses on the background and significance in this paper, points out the research methods, the paper lists the route, structure and main content of this article. The second part: the definition and basic theory. The related concepts of agricultural loans and risk management were defined, pointed out the characteristics of agriculture related loans risk management. The third part: the analysis of agricultural loan risk management of a bank in Jilin province from the Jilin Province bank agricultural loans, loan structure, financial assets quality and to analyze the impact of a bank in Jilin Province The risk status of agricultural loans, a comprehensive analysis of the credit risk, operation risk and market risk and economic capital situation. Combined with the Jilin Province bank, to analyze the main risk of agriculture related loans from the existing two aspects of problems and causes, and explain its effect. The fourth part: the empirical analysis of Jilin province agriculture loans a bank the summary of the risk management. The risk index data, using factor analysis method and steps, to find out the influence of main indicators of the level of risk management, the risk management and control of the conclusion. The fifth part: the countermeasures to reduce Jilin Province bank agricultural loan risk. Mainly includes: the construction of a comprehensive risk management system, establish credit risk control mechanism. Evaluation of strengthening operation risk and continuity of management, strengthen the market risk monitoring and management, fostering full awareness of risk management, strengthen the agricultural loan business management The sixth part: a summary of this article.



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