發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-01-30 16:26
【文章來(lái)源】:上海交通大學(xué)上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:72 頁(yè)
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 Existing literature
1.2.2 Gap in the literature
1.3 Problem formulation and structure overview
2 FX options market
2.1 FX options market in the world
2.2 FX options market in Asia
2.3 FX options market in China
2.3.1 CNY market vs CNH market
2.3.2 A complex FX options market
2.3.3 The take-off of CNH options
3 Pricing and hedging FX options under stochastic volatility
3.1 The Black-Scholes model
3.1.1 Description of the model
3.1.2 Assumptions of the model vs Empirical facts
3.1.3 Pricing of vanilla options
3.2 Needs for better pricing and hedging models
3.3 Stochastic volatility models at a glance
3.4 The Heston model
3.4.1 Description of the model
3.4.2 Assumptions of the model vs Empirical facts
3.4.3 Pricing of vanilla options
3.5 The Bates model
3.5.1 Description of the model
3.5.2 Assumptions of the model vs Empirical facts
3.5.3 Pricing of vanilla options
4 Data set
4.1 Historical exchange rates
4.2 Risk-free rates
4.3 Options prices and implied volatility
4.3.1 FX option market quotations
4.3.2 Retrieving option prices and strikes from quotes
4.4 Testing period
4.5 Utilization of the sample
5 Calibration of the models
5.1 Purpose of the calibration
5.1.1 Calibrating the Black Scholes model
5.1.2 Calibrating the Heston model and the Bates model
5.2 Calibration procedure
5.2.1 Objective function
5.2.2 Optimization algorithm
5.3 Results of the calibration
5.3.1 Parameters
5.3.2 Goodness of fit
5.4 Out-of-sample test
5.5 From empirical findings to trading perspectives
6 Simulation
6.1 Simulating the Black-Scholes model
6.2 Simulating the Heston model
6.3 Simulating the Bates model
6.4 Distribution of the returns
7 Hedging effectiveness
7.1 Selection of target options
7.1.1 Description
7.1.2 Options parameters
7.2 Selection of hedging strategies
7.2.1 Sources of risks hedged
7.2.2 Hedging instruments
7.2.3 Measure of the effectiveness of the strategies
7.3 Test results
7.3.1 Comparative analysis of the pricing models
7.3.2 Comparative analysis of the hedging strategies
7.4 From empirical findings to trading perspectives
8 Conclusion
9 Bibliography
10 Acknowledgements
11 Appendix
11.1 Calibration of the models - MATLAB code
11.1.1 Black-Scholes model
11.1.2 Heston model
11.1.3 Bates model
11.2 Monte Carlo simulation - MATLAB code
11.2.1 Pricing of barrier options
11.2.2 Simulation of the Black-Scholes model
11.2.3 Simulation of the Heston model
11.2.4 Simulation of the Bates model
【文章來(lái)源】:上海交通大學(xué)上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:72 頁(yè)
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 Existing literature
1.2.2 Gap in the literature
1.3 Problem formulation and structure overview
2 FX options market
2.1 FX options market in the world
2.2 FX options market in Asia
2.3 FX options market in China
2.3.1 CNY market vs CNH market
2.3.2 A complex FX options market
2.3.3 The take-off of CNH options
3 Pricing and hedging FX options under stochastic volatility
3.1 The Black-Scholes model
3.1.1 Description of the model
3.1.2 Assumptions of the model vs Empirical facts
3.1.3 Pricing of vanilla options
3.2 Needs for better pricing and hedging models
3.3 Stochastic volatility models at a glance
3.4 The Heston model
3.4.1 Description of the model
3.4.2 Assumptions of the model vs Empirical facts
3.4.3 Pricing of vanilla options
3.5 The Bates model
3.5.1 Description of the model
3.5.2 Assumptions of the model vs Empirical facts
3.5.3 Pricing of vanilla options
4 Data set
4.1 Historical exchange rates
4.2 Risk-free rates
4.3 Options prices and implied volatility
4.3.1 FX option market quotations
4.3.2 Retrieving option prices and strikes from quotes
4.4 Testing period
4.5 Utilization of the sample
5 Calibration of the models
5.1 Purpose of the calibration
5.1.1 Calibrating the Black Scholes model
5.1.2 Calibrating the Heston model and the Bates model
5.2 Calibration procedure
5.2.1 Objective function
5.2.2 Optimization algorithm
5.3 Results of the calibration
5.3.1 Parameters
5.3.2 Goodness of fit
5.4 Out-of-sample test
5.5 From empirical findings to trading perspectives
6 Simulation
6.1 Simulating the Black-Scholes model
6.2 Simulating the Heston model
6.3 Simulating the Bates model
6.4 Distribution of the returns
7 Hedging effectiveness
7.1 Selection of target options
7.1.1 Description
7.1.2 Options parameters
7.2 Selection of hedging strategies
7.2.1 Sources of risks hedged
7.2.2 Hedging instruments
7.2.3 Measure of the effectiveness of the strategies
7.3 Test results
7.3.1 Comparative analysis of the pricing models
7.3.2 Comparative analysis of the hedging strategies
7.4 From empirical findings to trading perspectives
8 Conclusion
9 Bibliography
10 Acknowledgements
11 Appendix
11.1 Calibration of the models - MATLAB code
11.1.1 Black-Scholes model
11.1.2 Heston model
11.1.3 Bates model
11.2 Monte Carlo simulation - MATLAB code
11.2.1 Pricing of barrier options
11.2.2 Simulation of the Black-Scholes model
11.2.3 Simulation of the Heston model
11.2.4 Simulation of the Bates model