

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-14 08:42

  本文選題:PFI + PF; 參考:《國(guó)際經(jīng)濟(jì)合作》2015年10期

[Abstract]:As a type of PPP model, PFI has been widely used in Britain since the 90s of last century to use private sector capabilities and financing to provide public infrastructure or services for the success of.PFI on some projects, but some projects have been questioned in terms of price performance, and the British government is on the basis of public consultation. In December 2012, the original model of PFI was revised and the new version of PFI model "PF2" was published, and a series of reforms were made to retain the basic structure of PFI. The development of PPP project in China should learn from the experience and lessons of the development course of the British PFI model, fully understand the risk of the PPP model, actively but cautiously advance the development of PPP project, and to PPP The continuous supervision of the project ensures the quality and operation standard of the project. It should not only arouse the enthusiasm of the private sector, but also prevent the public interest from being damaged.
【作者單位】: 石家莊鐵道大學(xué);


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