

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-08 06:35

  本文選題:綠色住宅 + 消費(fèi)行為 ; 參考:《重慶大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:目前我國(guó)的綠色建筑市場(chǎng)處于規(guī);l(fā)展的階段,綠色住宅是綠色建筑中所占比例較大的一個(gè)種類,作為市場(chǎng)上的一種物品交易存在,其推廣受到供給-需求的市場(chǎng)規(guī)律的限定。而由于其“綠色”的特點(diǎn)而具有外部性和公益品屬性,會(huì)產(chǎn)生市場(chǎng)失靈的情況。這種情況下,綠色住宅消費(fèi)行為會(huì)與普通商品消費(fèi)行為存在差別。另外,其大額性的特點(diǎn)使得對(duì)綠色住宅消費(fèi)行為的研究與一般綠色消費(fèi)行為存在區(qū)別。因此,本研究旨在對(duì)綠色住宅消費(fèi)行為進(jìn)行研究,分析影響綠色住宅消費(fèi)行為的外部因素,為綠色住宅的推廣提供建議。 研究中,對(duì)既有的與綠色住宅相關(guān)的文獻(xiàn)進(jìn)行了整理和分析,以計(jì)劃行為理論為基礎(chǔ),通過比較分析綠色住宅的特質(zhì)得出影響消費(fèi)者行為的外部影響因素(運(yùn)營(yíng)成本、居住條件、群體消費(fèi)觀念、購買成本、普及程度),構(gòu)建了綠色住宅消費(fèi)行為分析模型。然后針對(duì)這些外部因素和消費(fèi)意向設(shè)計(jì)問卷,通過問卷調(diào)查的方式在重慶地區(qū)獲取了數(shù)據(jù),,并采用SPSS18.0軟件對(duì)數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行了處理和分析,通過相關(guān)分析和逐步多元回歸分析得到外部影響因素與綠色住宅消費(fèi)意向間的回歸方程,確定了主要的外部影響因素及其影響程度,做出了分析和解釋。研究的主要結(jié)論如下: 第一,得出有關(guān)綠色住宅消費(fèi)的一些基本情況:消費(fèi)者在綠色住宅消費(fèi)時(shí),對(duì)綠色住宅的運(yùn)營(yíng)成本、居住條件和購買成本均比較重視;綠色住宅的普及程度低;消費(fèi)者的周圍群體消費(fèi)觀念中,對(duì)綠色住宅沒有明顯的傾向;消費(fèi)者對(duì)于綠色住宅購買并沒有明顯的傾向。 第二,綠色住宅的運(yùn)營(yíng)成本和居住條件上的優(yōu)勢(shì)對(duì)消費(fèi)意向有顯著的正向影響;群體消費(fèi)觀念對(duì)消費(fèi)意向有顯著的推動(dòng)作用;綠色住宅的購買成本對(duì)消費(fèi)意向具有負(fù)向影響;普及程度對(duì)綠色住宅消費(fèi)意向具有微弱的正向推動(dòng)作用,但是其相關(guān)性不顯著。 第三,群體消費(fèi)觀念是對(duì)綠色住宅消費(fèi)意向影響最大的因素,其次是綠色住宅的運(yùn)營(yíng)成本和居住條件,在回歸方程中,購買成本的影響程度最小。 最后,根據(jù)對(duì)外部因素研究的結(jié)果從政府和開發(fā)商兩方面提出了推廣綠色住宅的建議。
[Abstract]:At present, the green building market in our country is in the stage of large-scale development. Green housing is a kind of large proportion of green building, which exists as an article trade in the market. Its promotion is limited by the market law of supply-demand. But because of its "green" characteristic and has the externality and the commonweal goods attribute, will produce the market malfunction situation. In this case, the green housing consumption behavior will be different from the ordinary commodity consumption behavior. In addition, the characteristics of its large amount make the study of green house consumption behavior different from the general green consumption behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to study the consumption behavior of green housing, analyze the external factors that affect the consumption behavior of green housing, and provide suggestions for the promotion of green housing. Based on the theory of planning behavior, the external factors (operating cost, living conditions) that affect consumer behavior are obtained by comparing and analyzing the characteristics of green housing. The analysis model of green housing consumption behavior is constructed by group consumption concept, purchase cost and popularization degree. Then according to these external factors and consumption intention design questionnaire, through the way of questionnaire to obtain the data in Chongqing area, and use SPSS 18.0 software to process and analyze the data. Through the correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis, the regression equation between the external influence factors and the consumption intention of green housing is obtained, the main external influence factors and their influence degree are determined, and the analysis and explanation are made. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: first, some basic conditions of green housing consumption are obtained: consumers pay more attention to the operating cost, living conditions and purchase cost of green housing when they consume green housing; The popularity of green housing is low; there is no obvious tendency towards green housing in the consumer's concept of consumption in the surrounding groups; there is no obvious tendency for consumers to buy green housing. Second, The advantages of operating cost and living conditions of green housing have a significant positive impact on consumption intention, group consumption concept has a significant role in promoting consumption intention, the purchase cost of green house has a negative impact on consumption intention. The popularity of green housing consumption intention has a weak positive role, but its correlation is not significant. Third, group consumption concept is the most important factor affecting green housing consumption intention. The second is the operating cost and living conditions of green housing. In the regression equation, the influence of purchase cost is the least. Finally, according to the results of the research on external factors, the author puts forward some suggestions to promote green housing from both government and developer.


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