

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-08 03:22

  本文選題:城市化 + 小新塘村; 參考:《華南理工大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:城中村不是單一的城市建設(shè)問題、經(jīng)濟(jì)問題或社會問題,也不是它們的簡單組合。它是我國體制轉(zhuǎn)型過程中快速城市化背景下形成的階段性綜合城市病,在我國各大中城市普遍存在。城中村的存在,使得城市快速擴(kuò)張成本低,包容性強(qiáng),文化多元化;但是從長遠(yuǎn)來看,城中村嚴(yán)重影響城市形象和人居環(huán)境,阻礙城市社會經(jīng)濟(jì)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展。城中村已成為政府、學(xué)術(shù)界、城中村村民等共同關(guān)注的重要而棘手的問題。 城中村改造是一項復(fù)雜的綜合性社會工程,,涉及的不僅僅是城中村外觀形式和建筑布局的變化,更有體系制度、思想形態(tài)、生活習(xí)性等方面轉(zhuǎn)變,受到政策、資金、技術(shù)、人才、文化等因素影響。廣州作為廣東省省會中心城市,解決城市發(fā)展的遺留問題特別是城中村改造問題是提升城市綜合競爭力,實現(xiàn)城市可持續(xù)發(fā)展的必經(jīng)之路。本文首先闡述城中村基本概念和相關(guān)理論,在對城中村特征、城中村分類、城中村改造模式進(jìn)行論述的基礎(chǔ)上,研究了城中村改造的影響因素。其次通過查閱文獻(xiàn)、實地訪談和踏勘,對天河區(qū)小新塘村的基本情況和改造現(xiàn)狀進(jìn)行了詳細(xì)介紹,分析了天河區(qū)小新塘村改造中存在的主要問題、面臨的困境及產(chǎn)生的原因。最后,圍繞著思想障礙、政策障礙、機(jī)制障礙及成本障礙這四方面提出了加快推進(jìn)小新塘村城中村改造思路和對策。
[Abstract]:The village in the city is not a single urban construction problem, economic problem or social problem, nor is it a simple combination of them. It is a stage comprehensive urban disease formed under the background of rapid urbanization in the process of system transformation in China. The existence of the village in the city makes the rapid expansion of the city low cost, strong inclusiveness, cultural diversity; but in the long run, the village in the city seriously affects the image of the city and the living environment, hindering the sustainable development of urban social economy. The village in the city has become an important and difficult problem that the government, academia, villagers and so on are concerned about. The transformation of the village in the city is a complex and comprehensive social project, which involves not only the changes in the appearance and architectural layout of the village in the city. A more systematic system, thought form, life habits and other aspects of change, by policy, capital, technology, talent, culture and other factors. As the capital city of Guangdong province, Guangzhou is the only way to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the city and realize the sustainable development of the city by solving the problems left over by the urban development, especially the problem of the transformation of the village in the city. In this paper, the basic concepts and related theories of the village in the city are first expounded. On the basis of discussing the characteristics of the village in the city, the classification of the village in the city and the transformation mode of the village in the city, the influencing factors of the transformation of the village in the city are studied. Secondly, through consulting literature, field interview and exploration, this paper introduces in detail the basic situation and present situation of small Xintang village in Tianhe district, and analyzes the main problems, difficulties and causes of the reconstruction of small Xintang village in Tianhe district. Finally, the author puts forward the ideas and countermeasures of speeding up the transformation of Xiaoxintang village from four aspects: ideological obstacle, policy obstacle, mechanism obstacle and cost obstacle.


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