

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-07 05:32

  本文選題:城市配送體系 + 共同配送 ; 參考:《石家莊經(jīng)濟學(xué)院》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:電子商務(wù)、大型連鎖超市百貨等現(xiàn)代流通方式的興起,為城市經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展帶來了動力,,卻使得配送企業(yè)面臨越來越激烈的競爭壓力。早在2009年,城市配送已作為物流業(yè)調(diào)整和振興規(guī)劃的九大工程之一,被提到優(yōu)先重點發(fā)展的高度。國內(nèi)外很多學(xué)者認(rèn)為,城市配送應(yīng)該作為一個體系來研究,而不應(yīng)被看做一個簡單的物流作業(yè)。 完善的城市配送體系包括配送主體、配送模式、配送中心和配送路徑等內(nèi)容。目前,石家莊市還沒有形成一個完善的配送體系,配送主體存在分散多元化的現(xiàn)狀,配送企業(yè)各自為營,配送社會化程度低,配送管理體制混亂,導(dǎo)致規(guī)模效益難以實現(xiàn)。配送中心利用率低,布局不合理,重復(fù)建設(shè),導(dǎo)致物流成本居高不下。配送路徑?jīng)]有得到合理的優(yōu)化,車輛空載率高,造成交通擁堵、環(huán)境噪音等污染,導(dǎo)致配送效率降低。 為改善城市配送存在的諸多問題,本文從合作共贏的角度出發(fā),采用共同配送模式構(gòu)建兩級城市配送體系,研究內(nèi)容包括城郊一級配送中心和城中二級配送節(jié)點的布局,以及兩級配送之間的路線選擇等。通過層次分析法計算影響配送中心選址的各因素權(quán)重,結(jié)合模糊綜合評價法選擇出最佳共同配送中心。根據(jù)配送貨物類型的集聚程度對城中配送站點進(jìn)行合理布局。本文將配送路線的選擇問題轉(zhuǎn)化為應(yīng)用管理科學(xué)家軟件求解線性規(guī)劃中的最短路徑問題,并考慮具體動態(tài)交通狀況選擇最佳配送路徑。 采用共同配送模式的城市和區(qū)域已經(jīng)證明,這一先進(jìn)模式將能夠改善在配送效率、配送成本與城市交通擁堵、環(huán)境污染之間所凸顯的矛盾。本文研究以期能夠為加快實現(xiàn)共同配送企業(yè)聯(lián)盟提供理論參考,為提高第三方物流企業(yè)的競爭力,進(jìn)而實現(xiàn)石家莊市物流市場的良性競爭和城市經(jīng)濟的快速發(fā)展提出合理建議。
[Abstract]:The rise of modern circulation methods such as electronic commerce and large supermarket chains has brought impetus to the development of urban economy, but the distribution enterprises are facing more and more fierce competition pressure. As early as 2009, urban distribution has been one of the nine major projects of logistics industry adjustment and revitalization planning, which has been raised to the high priority of development. Many scholars at home and abroad believe that urban distribution should be studied as a system rather than as a simple logistics operation. The perfect urban distribution system includes distribution main body, distribution mode, distribution center and distribution path. At present, Shijiazhuang city has not formed a perfect distribution system, the distribution main body has the present situation of dispersion and diversification, the distribution enterprises are each camp, the distribution socialization degree is low, the distribution management system is chaotic, resulting in the scale benefit is difficult to realize. The low utilization rate of distribution center, unreasonable layout and repeated construction lead to high logistics cost. The distribution route is not optimized reasonably, the vehicle load rate is high, resulting in traffic congestion, environmental noise and other pollution, resulting in lower efficiency of distribution. In order to improve the problems existing in urban distribution, this paper, from the perspective of win-win cooperation, adopts the common distribution model to construct a two-level urban distribution system, which includes the layout of the first-level distribution center in the suburbs and the distribution node of the secondary distribution in the city. And the route choice between the two-level distribution. The weight of each factor affecting the location of distribution center is calculated by AHP, and the best joint distribution center is selected by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. According to the distribution of goods types of concentration of distribution stations in the city to carry out a reasonable layout. In this paper, the problem of route selection is transformed into the shortest path problem in linear programming with the application of management scientist software, and the optimal distribution path is chosen by considering the specific dynamic traffic conditions. It has been proved that this advanced model can improve the contradiction between distribution efficiency, distribution cost, urban traffic congestion and environmental pollution. The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical reference for accelerating the realization of joint distribution enterprise alliance, to improve the competitiveness of third party logistics enterprises, and to realize the healthy competition in Shijiazhuang logistics market and the rapid development of urban economy.


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