

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-05 19:38

  本文選題:第三方物流包裝 + 運(yùn)作模式 ; 參考:《福州大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the process of production and circulation of products in modern society, packaging is at the end of the production process and the starting point of the logistics process, which plays an important role in the circulation of commodities. With the development of socialized and specialized production, logistics packaging also develops to third party logistics packaging. However, the present situation of logistics packaging in China is not optimistic. It is reported that there are a large number of phenomena such as high damage rate, low efficiency of storage and transportation and high logistics cost due to unreasonable packaging design, improper selection of packaging materials and so on. The main reason is that the logistics packaging is not regarded as the core business of the enterprise, does not attach importance to the enterprise, and lacks the design, manufacture and management of the professional personnel. Therefore, it urgently needs the specialized third party logistics packaging enterprise to intervene in the operation. The packaging problems involved in the circulation of products are considered and solved as a whole. In view of this, this paper makes a detailed study on the connotation, advantage, operation mode, benefit and existing problems of the third party logistics packaging, especially the application of the integrated packaging solution design according to the customer's requirements. By using the method of literature investigation and field investigation, this paper summarizes the theories and research results related to the topic selection, analyzes the current situation and existing problems of the application of the third party logistics packaging in China, and analyzes the operation mode of the third party logistics packaging enterprises in our country. By using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the comprehensive fuzzy evaluation method, this paper makes a quantitative analysis of the existing common operation models, designs the evaluation index system for the application of the models, and makes an empirical analysis on the choice of the operation modes by taking the two enterprises as an example. Among them, A is the customer with packaging demand and B is the third party logistics packaging provider. The result of the analysis is that the operation mode designed by the integrated packaging solution can bring the most reasonable benefits to the two enterprises. Finally, Enterprise B redesigns the packaging of the original parts of Enterprise A according to the principles and procedures of the overall package design. The application effect of improving packaging quality, reducing damage rate and logistics packaging cost is achieved, and the requirement of A enterprise is satisfied. This subject is verified by theory analysis and practice. In the research, the main conclusions are as follows: the third party logistics packaging enterprises can meet the logistics packaging needs of the product manufacturers by providing integrated packaging solutions, so that the products can avoid breakage in the circulation process and improve the logistics efficiency. Improve the service level, reduce the cost of logistics packaging, logistics management costs, while the third party logistics packaging enterprises in the process of providing efficient services to obtain benefits and development opportunities, The third party logistics packaging is the rational choice of product packaging design for production enterprises and circulation enterprises, and it is also a way to optimize supply chain management.


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