

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-04 00:06

  本文選題:DEA + 江蘇省; 參考:《南京農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Jiangsu province is a major economic province in China. The overall strength of the province has been in the forefront of the country. In the context of the rapid development of the national logistics industry, the logistics industry in Jiangsu has also gained rapid development. The status and role of the logistics industry in the national economy is increasing, and it has become an important symbol to measure the degree of economic development in the region. But Jiangsu Province The high operation cost and low overall operation efficiency of the logistics industry will seriously restrict the development of the logistics industry in Jiangsu province. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the input-output efficiency of the logistics industry in Jiangsu province. Chapter 1 of this paper analyzes the research background, defines the significance of the research, summarizes the research status at home and abroad, and then aims at the research. In the second chapter, the concepts of logistics, logistics, efficiency, logistics efficiency and other concepts and the theory of data envelopment analysis are summarized and combed, and the data envelopment analysis is introduced in this paper. The CCR model and BCC model in the method are compared, and the data envelopment analysis method is compared with the other logistics efficiency evaluation analysis methods. The advantages of the data envelopment analysis method to study the input-output efficiency of the logistics industry in Jiangsu province are expounded. The third chapter is the current development of the logistics industry in Jiangsu province. Form analysis, mainly from the development achievements of the logistics industry in Jiangsu Province, the existing problems, the opportunity to face three aspects, and lay a solid foundation for further research. The fourth chapter is an empirical research part of the input-output efficiency of the logistics industry in Jiangsu province. First, it introduces the selection of the model and the source of the sample data, and then according to the results. On the basis of the descriptive statistical analysis of the input and output index data, based on the professional software DEAP2.1 of data envelopment analysis, based on the data collected and collated, the input and output efficiency of Jiangsu logistics industry is compared with the other 30 provinces and cities in China. This paper analyzes the input-output efficiency of the logistics industry in 13 cities of Jiangsu Province, mainly to calculate the comprehensive efficiency of their logistics input-output, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and scale reward, and calculate the average value of these efficiency from 2004 to 9 years in 2012, and then to 31 provinces and cities of the country and 1 in Jiangsu province according to the average value. The efficiency level of the 3 cities is ranked and the results are summed up and the results are analyzed. The fifth chapter is the countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the logistics industry in Jiangsu province. The comparative analysis results of the input-output efficiency of the logistics industry of Jiangsu province and the other 30 provinces and cities in the country and the specific analysis of the input-output efficiency of the logistics industry in the 13 cities of Jiangsu Province Results put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the development of Jiangsu's logistics industry.


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