

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-03 12:48

  本文選題:財產(chǎn)保險 + 數(shù)據(jù)包絡(luò)分析法 ; 參考:《吉林財經(jīng)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the field of economics, the evaluation of efficiency is usually used in the process of rational adjustment of resource allocation. Efficiency can be studied from many aspects and angles, such as the proportion of output to input, turnover of current assets, short-term solvency ratio, asset-liability ratio and so on. This article analyzes the problem is based on the property insurance company management efficiency appraisal research. With the deepening of the opening to the outside world, foreign property insurance companies continue to enter the Chinese market. The insurance products designed by foreign companies, risk management, claim settlement services, and other areas are in the leading position. This brings great pressure to Chinese property insurance companies in the process of market competition. Therefore, it is very important for the management of property insurance companies and the development of financial industry to study the present operating efficiency of the property insurance companies in China, analyze the present situation of the development of the property insurance companies' operating efficiency, and evaluate the development of the property insurance companies. Three methods, data envelopment analysis, factor analysis and grey correlation analysis, are applied to 14 representative property insurance companies in China. Comprehensive strength and about the insurance company's market acceptance three angles to carry on the appraisal analysis. The analysis data of this paper come from Cathay Tai'an Chinese database, select 14 financial insurance companies from the insurance industry of China as a sample, and intercept the data from 2006 to 2012 to carry out empirical analysis. The technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of 14 property insurance companies from 2006 to 2012 were measured by means of data envelopment analysis. The results show that there is a lot of space in improving the technical efficiency of the insurance industry in our country. The low efficiency is mainly caused by the lack of management. The risk management technology and the profit level of the insurance industry in China are progressing and developing constantly. Technological progress and total factor productivity play an important role in promoting the efficiency of property insurance companies. This paper analyzes the comprehensive strength of the property insurance company from three aspects of debt paying ability, development management and profit ability, and analyzes the factors that influence the level of the comprehensive strength according to the factor score. It is found that the solvency, business development space and net asset ratio of insurance companies are the main factors affecting the comprehensive strength of insurance companies. The grey relational analysis method is used to quantitatively evaluate the market acceptance of insurance companies. It is used to help the insured to make the optimal decision when selecting insurance companies, to analyze and compare the differences between different insurance companies, and to facilitate the insured to avoid risks reasonably. Therefore, the application of this analysis method has practical significance. As the direct audience of insurance, the service quality and operating efficiency of the insurance company will directly relate to the risk bearing of the insured during the effective period of insurance. The insured will choose among many insurance companies at the initial stage of insurance coverage. After combing the evaluation methods of enterprise management efficiency, the industry characteristics of property insurance companies and the current situation of relevant theoretical research at home and abroad, combined with empirical analysis, we find the main problems facing the property insurance industry in China. The corresponding policy suggestions and solutions are given in the hope of improving the efficiency of the property insurance industry in China.


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