

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-01 09:22

  本文選題:國際工程 + 政治風險; 參考:《長沙理工大學》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Based on the international engineering project and political risk theory , this paper attempts to establish the international engineering project political risk evaluation system . Firstly , based on the international engineering project and political risk theory , this paper tries to establish the international engineering project political risk evaluation system . Firstly , based on the international engineering project and political risk theory , this paper attempts to establish the international engineering project political risk evaluation system .
Secondly , analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used risk evaluation methods , starting from the needs of evaluating the political risk , determining the BP neural network as a political risk evaluation method , and improving the algorithm of the BP neural network , and establishing an international engineering project political risk LMBP neural network evaluation model ;
Finally , based on the collection of sample data of international engineering projects , the LMBP neural network model is trained , the accuracy and reliability of the model are verified through comparison with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method , and the practicability of the international engineering project political risk evaluation system is verified by taking an international engineering project of Algeria as an example . This paper looks at the international engineering project political risk evaluation research , finds out the size of the political risk of the international engineering project , and has certain value for the international engineering contractors to prevent and avoid political risks and enrich the political risk theory of international engineering .


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