

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-01 07:49

  本文選題:滎陽市 + 生態(tài)城市; 參考:《鄭州大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:中國快速的城市化進程,一方面有力地促進了經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,降低了社會運行成本,另一方面給生活在城市里的人們帶來了極大的負面影響,如:如環(huán)境惡化、資源枯竭、人口膨脹、交通擁堵、垃圾圍城等。愈演愈烈的人城矛盾不斷促使人們反思人類應該如何與城市相處,在這樣的社會背景下,生態(tài)城市這一概念一經(jīng)提出就得到熱烈響應。生態(tài)城市尋求人與自然的和諧發(fā)展,目標是建造符合生態(tài)要求、結構合理、功能完善的新型城市,生態(tài)城市可以圓滿解決上述人與城市的矛盾。目前在黨和政府的推動下,中國正在掀起建設生態(tài)城市的浪潮,研究生態(tài)城市建設將是中國公共管理的一項重要內(nèi)容。 本文以滎陽市生態(tài)城市建設為研究對象,首先通過查閱文獻、實地走訪和問卷調(diào)查等方式,掌握了滎陽市在生態(tài)城市建設過程中的各項政策、推進途徑等方面的詳細資料,同時理論聯(lián)系實際,結合公共管理相關理論對滎陽市生態(tài)城市建設的做法進行反思,通過對個案的深入研究,探索生態(tài)城市建設中可資借鑒的補充意見。論文第一章闡述了總體研究的概況,第二章對滎陽市生態(tài)城市做法進行了歸納介紹,第三章從生態(tài)城市建設指標和治理理論兩方面分析滎陽市生態(tài)城市建設成效,第四章總結了滎陽市生態(tài)城市建設中存在的問題,第五章針對前面的問題,提出促進生態(tài)城市建設更加良性發(fā)展的對策和建議。
[Abstract]:On the one hand, China's rapid urbanization process has greatly promoted economic development and reduced the cost of social operation. On the other hand, it has brought great negative effects on people living in the city, such as environmental deterioration, resource exhaustion, population expansion, traffic congestion, and garbage besieged city. In this kind of social background, the concept of ecological city will respond warmly. The ecological city seeks the harmonious development of human and nature, the goal is to build a new city that meets the ecological requirements, the structure is reasonable and the function is perfect. The ecological city can solve the spear of the people and the City satisfactorily. At present, under the impetus of the party and the government, China is setting off a wave of building an ecological city. The study of the construction of ecological cities will be an important part of China's public management.
This paper takes the ecological city construction of Xingyang as the research object. First, through the literature review, the field visit and the questionnaire survey, we have mastered the various policies of Xingyang in the process of ecological city construction, and advanced the detailed information of the ways. At the same time, the theory connected with the practice, and the theory of public management related to the construction of the ecological city of Xingyang. In the first chapter of the paper, the second chapter introduces the introduction of the ecological city practice in Xingyang, the third chapter analyzes the ecological city construction index and the governance theory in the two aspects of the analysis of the ecological city of Xingyang ecology. The effect of urban construction, the fourth chapter summarizes the existing problems in the construction of ecological city in Xingyang, and the fifth chapter puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the more benign development of ecological city construction.


相關期刊論文 前3條

1 魯春陽;;生態(tài)城市的概念、特點及實施措施研究[J];資源與人居環(huán)境;2007年02期

2 任聲策;陸銘;尤建新;;公共治理理論述評[J];華東經(jīng)濟管理;2009年11期

3 魏后凱;王業(yè)強;蘇紅鍵;郭葉波;;中國城鎮(zhèn)化質(zhì)量綜合評價報告[J];經(jīng)濟研究參考;2013年31期




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