

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-31 12:04

  本文選題:國有壟斷 + 高收入。 參考:《江西財經(jīng)大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:本文在對收入分配公平與否的相關(guān)概念、評價標準及其與產(chǎn)權(quán)安排的關(guān)系進行分析的基礎(chǔ)上,從靜態(tài)和動態(tài)兩個方面定量地分析了國有壟斷行業(yè)高收入的現(xiàn)狀,并闡述了高收入將會給我國經(jīng)濟社會帶來的一系列負面影響。之后,總結(jié)歸納了可能造成國有壟斷行業(yè)高收入的兩個重要因素:國有壟斷和所有者缺位,并對其進行了實證檢驗。根據(jù)理論分析與實證結(jié)果,對于如何改善國有壟斷行業(yè)的高收入問題提出了相應的治理對策。具體的內(nèi)容與結(jié)論如下。 首先,關(guān)于當前國有壟斷行業(yè)高收入的現(xiàn)狀及其影響。分析結(jié)果顯示,國有壟斷行業(yè)的平均工資無論在絕對量上還是在增長速度上均遠遠超過全國平均工資及低收入行業(yè)平均工資。不僅如此,國有壟斷行業(yè)還存在著名目繁多的工資外收入。這種高收入屬于收入分配不公平,其破壞了收入分配原則,削弱了經(jīng)濟增長動力,威脅了和諧社會的構(gòu)建。 其次,關(guān)于國有壟斷行業(yè)高收入形成機制的理論分析。本文認為,無論是盈利還是虧損的國有壟斷行業(yè),或者由于高額壟斷利潤或者由于特殊的財政補貼,行業(yè)內(nèi)均有巨額資金留存,這是實現(xiàn)高收入的前提條件。而所有者缺位帶來的產(chǎn)權(quán)主體虛置和管理、約束、激勵機制不完善的問題造成了行業(yè)內(nèi)“共享式”的分配機制,將本該歸全民所有的壟斷利潤瓜分,異化為行業(yè)內(nèi)員工的高收入和高福利,這是實現(xiàn)高收入的必要條件。國有壟斷和所有者缺位是國有壟斷行業(yè)高收入形成的兩個重要原因,缺一不可。 再次,關(guān)于國有壟斷行業(yè)高收入形成機制的實證分析。本文通過區(qū)分不同的所有制形式和不同的市場結(jié)構(gòu),實證檢驗了以上的理論分析。分析結(jié)果表明,壟斷和所有制同時對收入產(chǎn)生了影響,且所有制的影響效果大于壟斷的影響效果。也就是說,通過所有制和壟斷兩個因素的交互,企業(yè)被分為了四種類型,其工資水平從高到低排序為:國有壟斷行業(yè)、國有非壟斷行業(yè)、非國有壟斷行業(yè)、非國有非壟斷行業(yè)。 最后,關(guān)于國有壟斷行業(yè)高收入問題的治理對策。本文提出,一是要放松規(guī)制強化競爭機制,主要方式有科學界定自然壟斷行業(yè)中不同業(yè)務(wù)的性質(zhì)和改革行政審批制度;二是要發(fā)展混合所有制,主要方式有優(yōu)化國有企業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)和重組國有經(jīng)濟內(nèi)部產(chǎn)權(quán)。
[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the related concepts, evaluation criteria and the relationship between income distribution fairness and property rights arrangement, this paper quantitatively analyzes the current situation of high income in state-owned monopoly industry from static and dynamic aspects. And elaborated the high income will bring the series of negative influence to our country economy and society. Then, two important factors which may cause the high income of the state-owned monopoly industry: the absence of the state-owned monopoly and the owner are summarized and tested empirically. According to the theoretical analysis and empirical results, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to improve the high income of the state-owned monopoly industry. The specific contents and conclusions are as follows. First of all, about the current state-owned monopoly industry high-income status and its impact. The results show that the average salary of the state-owned monopoly industry is far higher than the national average wage and the average wage of the low income industry in both absolute quantity and growth rate. Not only that, the state-owned monopoly industry also has a variety of wage income. This kind of high income belongs to the unfair income distribution, which destroys the principle of income distribution, weakens the motive force of economic growth and threatens the construction of harmonious society. Secondly, the theoretical analysis on the formation mechanism of high income in state-owned monopoly industry. This paper holds that there is a huge amount of capital retained in the state-owned monopoly industry, whether it is profit or loss, or because of high monopoly profit or special financial subsidy, which is the prerequisite for realizing high income. However, the imperfections of property rights, management, constraints and incentive mechanisms brought about by the absence of owners have resulted in a "shared" distribution mechanism in the industry, which should have been divided into monopolistic profits owned by the whole people. Dissimilation is the necessary condition to achieve high income and high benefits for employees in the industry. State-owned monopoly and the absence of owners are two important reasons for the formation of high income in state-owned monopoly industries. Thirdly, the empirical analysis on the formation mechanism of high income in state-owned monopoly industry. By distinguishing different forms of ownership and different market structures, this paper empirically tests the above theoretical analysis. The results show that both monopoly and ownership have influence on income, and the effect of ownership is greater than that of monopoly. That is to say, through the interaction of ownership and monopoly, enterprises are divided into four types, the wage level is ranked from high to low: state-owned monopoly industry, state-owned non-monopoly industry, non-state-owned non-monopoly industry. Finally, regarding the state-owned monopoly industry high income question's management countermeasure. This paper puts forward that, first, we should relax regulations and strengthen the competitive mechanism, mainly by scientifically defining the nature of different businesses in natural monopoly industries and by reforming the administrative examination and approval system, and second, by developing mixed ownership. The main ways are to optimize the property rights of state-owned enterprises and reorganization of the internal property rights of the state-owned economy.


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