

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-13 23:10

  本文選題:非經(jīng)營性政府投資項(xiàng)目 + 責(zé)任追究 ; 參考:《華北電力大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:非經(jīng)營性政府投資項(xiàng)目(Non-profit Government Investment Project,本文簡稱NGIP)是指政府部門不以盈利為目標(biāo),而是從滿足一定的社會職能和社會公共需要、人民福利的角度出發(fā)進(jìn)行建設(shè)政府投資項(xiàng)目。NGIP通過推行“代建制”的實(shí)施,采用專業(yè)化的管理團(tuán)隊(duì),來有效的提高政府投資項(xiàng)目的建設(shè)管理水平和投資效益,對政府部門在NGIP中職能、角色轉(zhuǎn)變也起著重要的經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會意義。但是由于“代建制”的發(fā)展還未成熟,代建人在NGIP中的地位、職能等方面劃分的不夠清晰,各參與方在工程面臨問題時(shí)責(zé)任不易明確,為項(xiàng)目的責(zé)任追究帶來不便。故本文在政府投資項(xiàng)目的背景下,對責(zé)任追究的方法進(jìn)行探討。 為了達(dá)到對NGIP的責(zé)任追究,本文從三個角度劃分了非經(jīng)營性政府投資項(xiàng)目,即項(xiàng)目里程碑模式、項(xiàng)目建設(shè)階段模式和項(xiàng)目總目標(biāo)模式。首先,本文基于項(xiàng)目的里程碑模式,采用層次分析法,通過責(zé)任層次的構(gòu)建,找到出現(xiàn)問題的關(guān)鍵因素,并使用yaahp軟件計(jì)算出權(quán)重排序,找到責(zé)任方;其次,本文基于項(xiàng)目建設(shè)階段模式,采用社會網(wǎng)絡(luò)分析法的研究方法,對相應(yīng)的建設(shè)階段進(jìn)行五個主要參與方的責(zé)任分析,通過社會網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖的構(gòu)建和相應(yīng)指標(biāo)的計(jì)算,找到責(zé)任方。最后,本文基于項(xiàng)目總目標(biāo)模式,從NGIP的五大目標(biāo)(即質(zhì)量目標(biāo)、費(fèi)用目標(biāo)、進(jìn)度目標(biāo)、安全目標(biāo)和環(huán)境目標(biāo))入手,采用項(xiàng)目后評價(jià)的方法,使用專家打分法和較為客觀的粗糙集確定權(quán)重的方法對NGIP中出現(xiàn)問題的方面進(jìn)行后評價(jià)和分析,找到責(zé)任方。 本研究建立了三種不同的非經(jīng)營性政府投資項(xiàng)目的責(zé)任追究模式,并針對三種模式的特點(diǎn),針對性的選擇了三種解決責(zé)任追究的方法。對NGIP項(xiàng)目進(jìn)行責(zé)任追究,需要使用合理的方法和手段去確定責(zé)任的范圍、責(zé)任的劃分等,只有明確了責(zé)任方,才能夠有效的追究責(zé)任方的責(zé)任,彌補(bǔ)項(xiàng)目的損失。對NGIP項(xiàng)目進(jìn)行責(zé)任追究,有利于保障項(xiàng)目的五大目標(biāo)的順利完成,保障項(xiàng)目的質(zhì)量,為非經(jīng)營性政府投資項(xiàng)目責(zé)任追究機(jī)制的建立提供了理論和方法的參考。
[Abstract]:Non-profit Government Investment projects, which are non-profit-oriented government investment projects, refer to government departments that do not aim at profit, but meet certain social functions and social public needs.From the perspective of people's welfare, the construction of government investment projects. NGIP through the implementation of "agent system", the use of specialized management team, to effectively improve the level of government investment projects construction management and investment efficiency,The role of government in NGIP also plays an important role in economic and social significance.However, because the development of "agent system" is not mature, the position and function of agent in NGIP are not clear enough, the responsibility of each participant is not clear when the project is faced with problems, which brings inconvenience to the investigation of project responsibility.Therefore, under the background of government investment project, this paper discusses the method of accountability.In order to investigate the responsibility of NGIP, this paper divides the non-operating government investment projects from three angles, that is, the project milestone model, the project construction stage model and the project general target mode.First of all, based on the milestone model of the project, this paper uses AHP to find the key factors of the problem through the construction of the responsibility level, and calculates the weight ranking by using yaahp software to find the responsible party.Based on the model of project construction stage and the research method of social network analysis, this paper analyzes the responsibility of five main participants in the corresponding construction stage, and finds the responsible party through the construction of social network chart and the calculation of corresponding indexes.Finally, based on the overall objective model of the project, this paper starts with the five goals of NGIP (quality objective, cost target, progress goal, safety goal and environmental objective), and adopts the method of post-project evaluation.The expert scoring method and the objective rough set method are used to evaluate and analyze the problems in NGIP, and the responsible parties are found.This study establishes three different modes of accountability for non-profit-oriented government investment projects, and selects three methods to solve the problems in the light of the characteristics of the three modes.To investigate the responsibility of NGIP project, we need to use reasonable methods and means to determine the scope of responsibility and the division of responsibility. Only when the responsible party is clearly defined, can the responsible party be effectively investigated for the responsibility of the responsible party and make up for the loss of the project.To investigate the responsibility of the NGIP project is conducive to the smooth completion of the five goals of the project and the quality of the project. It provides a theoretical and methodological reference for the establishment of the accountability mechanism for the non-profit-making government investment project.


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