

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-13 15:36

  本文選題:動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟 + 利益分配; 參考:《中國海洋大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:20世紀(jì)90年代以來,大型外資物流企業(yè)不斷涌入中國市場,為中國物流業(yè)注入新鮮血液的同時,也加劇了物流市場競爭。另一方面,物流客戶群體對物流服務(wù)提出了更高要求,需要物流企業(yè)實現(xiàn)規(guī)模化、系統(tǒng)化、信息化、客制化發(fā)展。因此,越來越多的物流企業(yè)認(rèn)識到合作的必要性。動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟為企業(yè)擴(kuò)展物流市場提供了一種新型的模式,使中小型物流企業(yè)能夠在短期內(nèi)提升市場競爭力。 論文以動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟的生命周期為主線,,就動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟利益分配機(jī)制進(jìn)行了相關(guān)研究,獲得以下研究成果和研究結(jié)論。 首先,本文對動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟的概念做出了清晰界定,指出動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟是擁有不同關(guān)鍵物流資源(核心能力)的若干企業(yè),為了快速地響應(yīng)某一物流市場機(jī)遇,通過一定的協(xié)議結(jié)成的暫時性的組織。 其次,闡述了動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟的特征、優(yōu)勢、生命周期、組建模式等四方面的問題,從核心能力理論、交易費用理論、價值鏈理論的角度解釋動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟及其利益分配問題。 再次,在對我國物流業(yè)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀分析、動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟的內(nèi)外部環(huán)境分析的基礎(chǔ)上,提出了我國動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟利益分配中存在的主要問題,并闡述了利益分配目的、原則、主要分配模式及影響因素。 最后,建立基于生命周期的動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟利益分配機(jī)制結(jié)構(gòu)模型,認(rèn)為動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟利益分配應(yīng)分為四個階段:識別階段、初始利益分配方案確定階段、引入激勵機(jī)制調(diào)整利益分配階段、引入Nash談判模型確定最終利益分配階段。對利益分配的每個階段進(jìn)行模型建立與求解,證實此利益分配機(jī)制的實用性。
[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, large foreign logistics enterprises have been pouring into the Chinese market, which has injected fresh blood into the Chinese logistics industry, but also intensified the competition in the logistics market.On the other hand, logistics customer groups put forward higher requirements for logistics services, which requires logistics enterprises to achieve scale, systematization, information, and custom-made development.Therefore, more and more logistics enterprises realize the necessity of cooperation.Dynamic logistics alliance provides a new model for enterprises to expand logistics market, so that small and medium-sized logistics enterprises can enhance market competitiveness in the short term.Taking the life cycle of the dynamic logistics alliance as the main line, this paper carries on the related research on the benefit distribution mechanism of the dynamic logistics alliance, and obtains the following research results and conclusions.First of all, the concept of dynamic logistics alliance is clearly defined in this paper. It is pointed out that dynamic logistics alliance is a number of enterprises with different key logistics resources (core competence), in order to respond to a logistics market opportunity quickly.A temporary organization formed by agreement.Secondly, this paper expounds the characteristics, advantages, life cycle and construction mode of the dynamic logistics alliance, and explains the dynamic logistics alliance and its benefit distribution from the angle of core competence theory, transaction cost theory and value chain theory.Thirdly, on the basis of the analysis of the current situation of logistics industry development and the internal and external environment of the dynamic logistics alliance, this paper puts forward the main problems existing in the interest distribution of the dynamic logistics alliance in China, and expounds the purpose and principle of the benefit distribution.Main distribution pattern and influencing factors.Finally, the structure model of dynamic logistics alliance benefit distribution mechanism based on life cycle is established, and it is considered that the dynamic logistics alliance interest distribution should be divided into four stages: identification stage, initial benefit allocation scheme determination stage.The incentive mechanism is introduced to adjust the benefit distribution stage, and the Nash negotiation model is introduced to determine the final benefit distribution stage.The model of each stage of interest distribution is established and solved, and the practicability of this mechanism is proved.


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1 賈平,劉雷;企業(yè)動態(tài)聯(lián)盟的博弈分析[J];生產(chǎn)力研究;2003年02期

2 王婷,吳建華;第三方物流企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略聯(lián)盟的發(fā)展模式分析[J];天津理工學(xué)院學(xué)報;2004年04期

3 詹曉勇,朱漢民;虛擬物流企業(yè)的組建與運(yùn)行分析[J];武漢理工大學(xué)學(xué)報(社會科學(xué)版);2004年06期

4 戴建華,薛恒新;基于Shapley值法的動態(tài)聯(lián)盟伙伴企業(yè)利益分配策略[J];中國管理科學(xué);2004年04期

5 何黎明;;物流業(yè)應(yīng)積極應(yīng)對“中速增長階段”[J];中國流通經(jīng)濟(jì);2012年11期

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2 田帥輝;面向物流任務(wù)的動態(tài)物流聯(lián)盟資源配置管理研究[D];重慶大學(xué);2012年




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