

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-28 01:31

  本文選題:西安市 切入點(diǎn):城市功能格局 出處:《陜西師范大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著我國經(jīng)濟(jì)快速發(fā)展,農(nóng)村城市貧困問題逐步緩解,城市三無人員得到安置,出現(xiàn)了以在崗低收入、下崗職工、流動人口為主體的新一類貧困人群,制約著城市的發(fā)展,而且增加速度快、結(jié)構(gòu)更為復(fù)雜。新城市貧困問題的出現(xiàn),已經(jīng)引起了社會各界和學(xué)者們的高度關(guān)注,對新城市貧困現(xiàn)象出現(xiàn)的原因一直都是學(xué)者們研究的重點(diǎn)問題,城市的不合理發(fā)展無疑是新城市貧困出現(xiàn)的一個重要原因,同時新城市貧困現(xiàn)象的存在反過來制約城市的發(fā)展,并且隨著時間的推移,二者之間的相互關(guān)系在發(fā)生著不斷的變化。 本研究以西安市城六區(qū)為研究區(qū)域,以行政區(qū)劃上的街道為研究對象,選取1990年、2000年、2013年三個時間斷面,通過文獻(xiàn)搜集、規(guī)劃部門的測量數(shù)據(jù)、地圖數(shù)據(jù)、遙感數(shù)據(jù)、谷歌地圖數(shù)據(jù)以及問卷調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù),獲取西安市1990、2000年、2013年三年的城市功能格局?jǐn)?shù)據(jù)以及城市貧困的數(shù)據(jù),通過定性與定量相結(jié)合的方法深入研究西安市新城市貧困與西安市城市功能格局之間的時空耦合關(guān)系,并根據(jù)二者之間的關(guān)系提出相應(yīng)的反貧困建議。本文的研究成果主要包括以下三大部分: 第一部分,通過對西安市常住居民的問卷調(diào)查的結(jié)果分析發(fā)現(xiàn)(1)城市貧困人口的集中出現(xiàn)了集聚一分散—再集聚的發(fā)展。(2)貧困的強(qiáng)度經(jīng)歷了由弱——強(qiáng)——弱的轉(zhuǎn)變;貧困強(qiáng)度的格局由1990年的“放射性嵌套”格局,轉(zhuǎn)化為2000年的由南向北遞增的格局,到2013年演化為“放射狀遞增”的分布格局。(3)從戶籍的整體分布情況來看,隨著時間的推移,異地戶籍為主的貧困人口的數(shù)量在持續(xù)增加,但到目前為止,西安市仍是以本地戶籍的貧困人口為主;從格局演變來看,從1990年到2013年人口戶籍的格局經(jīng)歷了由“三層同心圓”格局——“同心圓—兩極”格局——“n型嵌套”格局的演變。(4)西安市貧困人口的學(xué)歷較低,仍以初中為主,但是隨著城市進(jìn)一步發(fā)展,高學(xué)歷貧困人口的比例在逐漸增大;從空間格局看,貧困人口學(xué)歷分布的格局先后經(jīng)歷了“雙軸線”格局——“同心圓”格局——“對角線”格局。 第二部分,西安市作為13朝古都,城市歷經(jīng)了多次改造,使城市功能格局發(fā)生了變化。以建成區(qū)占本街道的用地比重為標(biāo)準(zhǔn),將主城區(qū)劃分為:城市核心區(qū)、城市擴(kuò)展區(qū)和城市蔓延區(qū)。從城市擴(kuò)展的方向可以看出,西安市主要以攤大餅的方式向外發(fā)展,1990年—2000年城市以東西向的擴(kuò)展為主,擴(kuò)展速度比較緩慢,且東部的發(fā)展速度快于西部,2000年到2013年城市以南北向的擴(kuò)展為主,南部的發(fā)展速度較快,同時東南部和西南部的發(fā)展速度也較快。根據(jù)區(qū)位熵等定量研究,將西安市各街道的功能歸為十種類型,即居住區(qū)、一類工業(yè)區(qū)、二類工業(yè)區(qū)、三類工業(yè)區(qū)、商業(yè)區(qū)、文教區(qū)、行政區(qū)、旅游區(qū)、復(fù)合功能區(qū)和均質(zhì)混合功能區(qū)。研究表明城市功能格局由“一心、兩軸、四區(qū)域”的格局——“一心、兩軸、三環(huán)”格局——“復(fù)式九宮格局”。 第三部分,研究發(fā)現(xiàn)西安市城市貧困與城市功能格局之間存在著交互耦合關(guān)系,主要從三方面來研究。(1)通過耦合協(xié)調(diào)度模型,定量計(jì)算二者之間的集聚擴(kuò)散程度的時空耦合性,二者一直處于高度的耦合狀態(tài),1990年城市功能的集聚滯后于新城市貧困人口的集聚,2000年城市功能的集聚先于城市貧困人口的集聚,到2013年,二者同步發(fā)展,相互促進(jìn)、相互制約。(2)通過脫鉤、復(fù)鉤指數(shù)模型,定量計(jì)算城市功能區(qū)與貧困人口數(shù)量的時空耦合關(guān)系。研究表明居住區(qū)、行政區(qū)和一類工業(yè)區(qū)內(nèi)城市貧困人口的數(shù)量較少;商業(yè)區(qū)與貧困人口的關(guān)系由無關(guān)走向弱脫鉤;文教區(qū)與貧困人口的關(guān)系由弱脫鉤轉(zhuǎn)化為弱復(fù)鉤;二類工業(yè)區(qū)與貧困人口關(guān)系由弱復(fù)鉤轉(zhuǎn)化為擴(kuò)張型復(fù)鉤;三類工業(yè)區(qū)與貧困人口關(guān)系由擴(kuò)張性復(fù)鉤轉(zhuǎn)化為強(qiáng)復(fù)鉤;旅游區(qū)與城市貧困人口的關(guān)系有無關(guān)轉(zhuǎn)向弱脫鉤;復(fù)合類型區(qū)與貧困人口的關(guān)系由擴(kuò)張性復(fù)鉤轉(zhuǎn)化為弱脫鉤;均質(zhì)混合區(qū)內(nèi),二者之間由擴(kuò)張性復(fù)鉤轉(zhuǎn)化為強(qiáng)脫鉤,貧困得到緩解。(3)通過acGIS圖形疊加的方法,研究城市功能區(qū)類型與城市貧困類型的時空耦合狀態(tài)。分別研究了城市功能類型與貧困強(qiáng)度、貧困人口戶籍和貧困人口學(xué)歷之間的時空耦合過程。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the rural poverty in the city gradually eased, city staff appeared to be resettled, in low income, laid-off workers, a new class of poor people as the main body of the floating population, restricting the development of the city, and increase the speed, structure is more complex. Poverty of new city. Has attracted great attention from all sectors of society and scholars, reasons of the new city of poverty has always been a key issue for scholars, the unreasonable development of the city is a new city of poverty appears an important reason, at the same time, the new city of poverty has restricted the development of the city, and along with the time over time, the relationship between the two in constant change.
In this study, six districts of Xi'an city as the study area, the administrative divisions on the street as the research object, from 1990, 2000, 2013, the three time section, through the literature collection, survey data, planning departments of the map data, remote sensing data, Google map data and questionnaire data, obtained in Xi'an city for 19902000 years, in 2013 three years of data and city function pattern of city poverty data, by combining qualitative and quantitative methods of in-depth study of the spatiotemporal coupling relationship between Xi'an city and Xi'an city new poverty function pattern, and puts forward some suggestions of anti poverty according to the relationship between the two. The results of this study includes the following three parts:
The first part, through a questionnaire survey of Xi'an residents of the results of the analysis showed that (1) city poverty focused on the emergence of a dispersion and agglomeration agglomeration. (2) the intensity of poverty experienced by the weak strong weak change; the poverty intensity pattern from 1990's "radioactive nested pattern" into 2000, increasing from south to North in 2013 as "evolution pattern, distribution pattern of radial increment. (3) from the overall distribution of residence, with the passage of time, the number of different household based poverty population continues to increase, but so far, Xi'an is still in the local household poverty population; from the pattern of evolution, from 1990 to 2013, the population of the household registration pattern experienced by the" three layer in a concentric circle pattern of concentric circles - polar pattern of "n type nested pattern algorithm . (4) the poverty of the population of Xi'an city is still in the low degree and junior high school, but with the further development of the city, the high degree of poverty population increases gradually; from the spatial pattern, distribution pattern of poor education has experienced "double axis" pattern of "concentric circle" pattern -- "diagonal" pattern.
The second part, as the capital of 13 dynasties in Xi'an City, after a number of renovation, the city function pattern is changed. The built-up area for the streets of the land proportion as the standard, the main city is divided into the core area of the city, city and city area expansion area. Spread propagation direction can be seen from the city, Xi'an the main way to develop outward pie, from 1990 to 2000 by the east-west extension of the main city, expansion speed is relatively slow, and the speed of development is faster than East West, from 2000 to 2013 in the city to the north and South extension, the development speed of the southern rapid development at the same time, the speed of the southeast and southwest is fast according to the quantitative study of location entropy, the streets of Xi'an city functions are divided into ten types, namely a kind of residential area, industrial zone, two industrial zone, three industrial zone, commercial zone, Cultural District, the administrative area, tourism area, composite function The study shows that the pattern of urban function is composed of "one heart, two axes, four regions" pattern -- "one heart, two axes, three rings" pattern -- "duplex nine palace pattern".
The third part, the study found that the coupling relation between Xi'an city and city poverty function pattern, mainly from three aspects to study. (1) through the coupling coordination degree model, spatio-temporal coupling degree of agglomeration and diffusion between the quantitative calculation of the two, the two has been in a state of high coupling, the function of city agglomeration in 1990 agglomeration lags behind the poverty population of the new city, in 2000 the city function poor concentration prior to 2013, the city agglomeration, the simultaneous development of the two mutual promotion and mutual restraint. (2) by decoupling the recoupling index model, quantitative calculation of coupling relationship between the number of city function areas with poor population. The results indicate that the residential area that small number of administrative regions and a class of industrial zone of city poverty population; the relationship between business district and the poor by unrelated to weak decoupling; the relationship between culture and education area and poverty by weak decoupling Into a weak complex hook; relations of the two industrial zone and poverty from weak complex into expansion type composite hook hook; the relationship between the three types of industrial areas and poverty by expanding into a strong complex complex hook hook; relationship between poor tourism area and the city has not turned to the weak decoupling relationship between composite type area and poverty; by population expansion negative into weak decoupling; homogeneous mixed zone between the two by expansive recoupling into strong decoupling, poverty has been eased. (3) through the method of acGIS graphic overlay, spatio temporal coupling type city function district and city poverty type state. The function and type of city poor strength of coupling process between the poor and the poor household education.



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