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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-23 03:18

  本文選題:中小銀行 切入點:服務(wù)創(chuàng)新 出處:《浙江大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economic development has made remarkable achievements, and China has been able to achieve such achievements. As a booster and stabilizer of economic development, small and micro enterprises are attracting employment, promoting economic growth, and satisfying individual consumer demand. Stabilization of society is playing an increasingly important role. But small and micro enterprises (especially micro enterprises) have the characteristics of low proportion of fixed assets to assets, non-standard operation, small scale and high operating risks, etc. The financial service system of Chinese commercial banks to small and micro enterprises has not been perfect, it is very difficult to meet the financing needs of small and micro enterprises, which hinders the healthy and stable development of small and micro enterprises. This paper mainly starts from the reality of the development of small and medium-sized banks and small and micro enterprises. On the basis of probing into the present situation, problems and financing difficulties of small and medium-sized banks in China, this paper analyzes the reasons for the difficulties in financing of small and micro enterprises from three aspects: small and micro enterprises, government and banks. Deeply discuss the existing problems of financing dilemma of small and micro enterprises, and cut into the case of Huzhou Bank, analyze the innovative means, experience summary, problem dilemma of financing of small and micro enterprises. From the aspects of financial innovation and policy guarantee, the paper puts forward the solution to the financing dilemma of small and micro enterprises. The research shows that financial innovation is an important driving force to promote the continuous development and sustainable development of commercial banks. In order to improve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, small and medium-sized banks should further strengthen their own construction of loans for small and micro enterprises and reform and innovate the management of their institutions. The innovation requirements of small and medium-sized banks are focused on simplifying the application procedures. To improve the efficiency of examination and approval, to establish a credit audit mechanism suitable for small and micro enterprises, to adopt more flexible credit policies, to flexibly arrange the use of funds, to make repayment time, to provide long-term financial support and comprehensive financial services, and to reduce the financing costs. Government departments should also strive to improve the system of laws and regulations, establish and perfect the credit guarantee system of enterprises, strengthen the effective support of finance and taxation, and create a good financial development environment. In this paper, we adopt the combination of macro and micro analysis, systematic research, case analysis and literature research to innovate the service quality and content of small and medium-sized banks. On the basis of helping the small and micro enterprises to improve their own quality, the paper puts forward some practical countermeasures and suggestions to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and probes into the symbiotic mechanism of the win-win development between small and medium-sized banks and small and micro enterprises. To solve the problem of information asymmetry between banks and enterprises, The innovation of this paper is based on the theories of small and micro enterprises financing and commercial banks' financial services to small and micro enterprises. The frame is analyzed in a vertical progressive way. It is more comprehensive to analyze the reasons for the difficulty in financing small and micro enterprises in China from three aspects: small and micro enterprises, government and banks. The difficulties and shortcomings lie in the latest situation of financing of small and micro enterprises in the process of actual research. It is difficult to obtain the authoritative and comprehensive data effectively. Due to the existence of many differences in local small and micro enterprises, the development time of Huzhou Bank is relatively short, the management level is not high, and the case study of Huzhou Bank is not systematic and comprehensive.


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