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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-23 02:24

  本文選題:會計穩(wěn)健性 切入點:融資約束 出處:《中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Accounting conservatism is the main basis for asymmetric recognition of loss and income. It can provide reliable financial information for enterprises. In 2010, the international standards changed, and in the tide of convergence with them, Accounting conservatism is once again drawn back into the field of view of researchers. Due to the existence of incomplete markets, The information asymmetry and agency conflict between the fund demanders and the suppliers lead to the emergence of financing constraints. As the "soul" of the company, growth is the basis for the stable and sustainable development of the enterprise. It plays an indispensable role in promoting the economic development of our country. After the financial crisis, China's economy as a whole is in the stage of rebalancing adjustment of growth rate shift, structural adjustment and pre-policy digestion. At this special stage, accounting conservatism is an important mechanism of corporate governance. Whether we can lighten the financing constraints on enterprises and improve the growth of companies has become the focus of the theoretical and practical circles. Based on the unique cultural background and institutional environment of our country, this paper combs the accounting conservatism at home and abroad. Based on the existing research literature on financing constraints and corporate growth, this paper selects A-share listed companies in Shenzhen and Shanghai from 2011 to 2015 as research samples, which is based on corporate growth. The accounting concept of accounting conservatism is connected with the financial constraints and the growth of the company, and the three are brought into the unified analysis framework, and the mechanism of the three is discussed systematically, and the internal relation and the changing law are found. And from the perspective of empirical analysis to verify, the final conclusion of the existing research to test and useful supplement, and expand the research areas of related issues. Based on the theoretical analysis, the use of excel SPSS and other software, The C-SCORE model and the composite index Logit model are used to measure accounting conservatism and financing constraints respectively, and then the related models are constructed to test accounting conservatism and financing constraints, accounting conservatism and corporate growth. The relationship between financing constraints and corporate growth. Finally, the paper examines the role of accounting conservatism in financing constraints and corporate growth. The empirical results show that accounting conservatism is prevalent in listed companies in China. And can send a positive signal, ease the degree of financing constraints and enhance the growth of companies / 2) financing constraints and corporate growth are negatively related. Financial constraints have a significant inhibitory effect on corporate growth. Accounting conservatism can alleviate the negative effect between financing constraints and corporate growth. The conclusion of this paper proves the importance of accounting conservatism, enriches the research in the field of economic consequences of accounting conservatism, and has practical significance for the perfection of standards and the improvement of relevant regulatory measures. At the same time, it can also provide reliable empirical data and empirical evidence for the sustained and stable growth and development of enterprises through relevant policy recommendations.


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