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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-22 16:07

  本文選題:企業(yè)集團(tuán) 切入點(diǎn):財(cái)務(wù)公司 出處:《對(duì)外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Financial companies have a relatively short history of development, which comes from the reform and opening up of our country and the subsequent reform of the economic system and financial system. With the reform process, financial companies have gone through many stages, such as founding, initial development, adjustment, etc. And continues to grow to the present. In our financial system, the role of financial companies is becoming more and more prominent, non-bank financial institutions are an integral part. In this process, The business scope of an enterprise group finance company has gradually changed from a simple fund settlement business to a variety of fields such as centralized capital management and the provision of financial services, which has significantly promoted the development of enterprise groups and the real economy. It reduces the internal financing cost and improves the operation efficiency of the enterprise group. While serving the enterprise group, the financial company itself has also got rapid development, but the financial company still has some disadvantages and constraints in improving the operation efficiency. It is urgent to explore the special development path through reform, to promote the further development of financial companies and to improve the operational efficiency of financial companies. Firstly, this paper combs the concept and connotation of financial companies of enterprise groups, and clarifies the classification and business of financial companies, etc. This paper combs the theoretical basis and literature review of the development of financial companies. Then, this paper combs the historical evolution of financial companies of enterprise groups, analyzes the actual situation of the financial companies industry and the basic situation of the operational efficiency of financial companies. In order to find out the defects and shortcomings of financial companies in improving operation efficiency, we use PESTEL analysis method and SWOT analysis method. This paper makes a comprehensive study on the internal and external factors that finance companies face in improving their operational efficiency and the advantages and disadvantages of their development, and puts forward the development direction of financial companies to improve their operational efficiency. Thirdly, this paper takes XX Group Finance Company as an example. This paper further discusses the basic situation, functions and shortcomings of typical financial companies, and further analyzes the reform direction and trend of enterprise group financial companies to improve their operational efficiency. Based on the previous theoretical and empirical analysis, this paper puts forward the policy measures to improve the operational efficiency of financial companies under the new situation, which provides a useful reference for the development of financial companies.


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