

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-19 18:52

  本文選題:商業(yè)銀行 切入點(diǎn):對(duì)公客戶(hù) 出處:《長(zhǎng)春工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:At present, the demands of the domestic people on the level of financial services are also becoming higher and higher, which makes many commercial banks change from the original competition of commodities and prices to the competition of service quality. Service quality has become a key factor in winning the competition among commercial banks. According to the "Rule of 28", 20% of the total amount of public business in the banks generates 80% of the income. In terms of bank profits, the proportion of the public business accounts for more and more. On the basis of customer relationship theory and customer satisfaction theory, this paper takes the service quality of YBS rural commercial bank as the research object. Through the research, we can see that there are many problems in the public service of the bank, such as the decline in the efficiency of handling the public business, the backward marketing mode of the public business; The classification of public customers is not in place; the public marketing team is weak and the service ability of service personnel is declining; the backstage service mechanism of customer complaints is not smooth, The internal and external causes and external influence of this phenomenon are analyzed deeply, and various factors are combined to cause this phenomenon. For example, the internal bank is unreasonable to the public business rules and business processes. The concept of marketing is backward, which fails to establish a deep marketing system. For the information collection, understanding and analysis of public customers, insufficient analysis leads to inadequate segmentation, unreasonable talent training and incentive mechanism, and imperfect performance evaluation system. In the last part of the article, combined with the above theory and the problems existing in the current YBS Agricultural and Commercial Bank to the public business, to give the relevant strategies to improve the service: first, clear to the public customer business process, Establishing and perfecting the process reengineering mechanism, scientifically organizing and managing the business process, so as to continuously improve the service level to the public customers; secondly, "taking the customer as the center", reshaping the business model, classifying and refining the public customers again, According to the classification of public customers'no grade and demand, to provide a variety of services to improve customer satisfaction; then, through professional training, regular assessment methods, constantly improve the overall quality of the customer service team, Enhance the professional quality of the staff, form a work pattern of one mind; finally, improve the supervision and accountability mechanism, clear the main responsibility leading to work mistakes.


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