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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-19 19:07

  本文選題:復(fù)雜網(wǎng)絡(luò) 切入點(diǎn):匯率 出處:《廣西大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:With the development of world economic integration, international competition and capital flow are becoming more and more intense and frequent, and the financial market is uncertain, showing complex fluctuation trend. As an important financial market, the exchange rate market affects the balance of payments. The study of the law of exchange rate fluctuation is helpful to help monetary authorities cope with the fluctuation of exchange rate market in time. Because the exchange rate is affected by many factors such as interest rate, inflation and so on, The occurrence and evolution of exchange rate fluctuations show the characteristics of complex systems. The traditional international financial theory and exchange rate determination theory are more and more difficult to explain the volatility of exchange rate market. Each country has abundant currency nodes, and the exchange rate network formed by the correlation of exchange rate fluctuations is complex and has a typical complex network form. This paper analyzes the topological nature and variation law of the exchange rate market network. It provides a new way to study the fluctuation of exchange rate market. The research method of complex network has been applied to stock market and stock index in academic circles, and the research on the related network of exchange rate market is still in its infancy. According to the theory of complex network and using the method of whole network analysis, this paper selects 52 kinds of currency data, which are marked in US dollars for a total of 3128 trading days from January 2007 to December 2016, and calculates the correlation coefficient between currencies. This paper selects the annual correlation coefficient mean as the threshold to establish the exchange rate correlation network, and uses the threshold method to construct the undirected undirected network in each year. The topological properties of the exchange rate network are analyzed. In this paper, it is found that the correlation network of exchange rate market has a short average path length, and the shortest path length in ten years is 1 and 2:00, which includes almost 90%, through the calculation of related indexes by UCINET6 network analysis software. The clustering coefficient is high, hovering around 0.8, which verifies the existence of small-world effect in the exchange rate network. This paper analyzes the centrality of each node in the exchange rate network, analyzes the currency power, and sorts the importance of the nodes in the exchange rate network. To promote the internationalization of the RMB process to put forward relevant recommendations.


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