本文關(guān)鍵詞:呼倫貝爾市W鎮(zhèn)農(nóng)村信用社信貸風險研究 出處:《內(nèi)蒙古大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文
更多相關(guān)文章: 信貸風險 信貸資產(chǎn)質(zhì)量 風險控制 信用審查
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of economy, various forms of banks have been established, and the rural credit cooperatives, which mainly serve for agriculture, are growing stronger and stronger. Over the years, the advantages and disadvantages of the development process are increasingly reflected. This paper mainly focused on the credit problems of WW town credit cooperatives. First of all. Based on the real data of W Town Rural Credit Cooperative, this paper analyzes the present situation of credit risk, mainly including four aspects of risk: first, the number of non-performing loans increases year by year; The second is the risk that the loan default event occurs in a large number; Third, the collateral is difficult to play its role; Fourth, the concentration of loans. It is precisely because of the existence of various risks, the credit assets of W town credit cooperatives in recent years continue to decline in quality, need to be paid attention to. Secondly. This paper analyzes the causes of the above risks in the rural credit cooperatives of W Town. It mainly includes three parts: the first part is the defects of some processes in the loan process, such as the sharp increase in the proportion of long-term loans; The second part is the imperfect process of credit management, such as backward management methods. The third part is the credit cooperatives credit risk internal control is relatively weak, including relatively weak risk internal control environment and so on. Finally. In view of the risk found and the analysis of the reasons to give corresponding suggestions: such as strengthening internal construction, improving the working level of credit personnel, establishing a good culture of internal control of credit risk. On this basis, the management measures in the loan process are refined to ensure that the pre-loan examination is more detailed, the credit rating in the loan is more targeted, and the management ratio after the loan is indispensable. At the same time, attention is paid to the preservation and improvement of the credit file.
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