

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-25 08:23

  本文選題:市場(chǎng)流動(dòng)性 + BDS檢驗(yàn); 參考:《福州大學(xué)》2013年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The main problem of modern finance is the balance between the return and risk of investment. Markowitz is the first scholar to combine the two contents. He put forward the famous portfolio theory in 1952. With the rapid development of financial markets, more and more restrictive factors appear in front of investors, including liquidity factors. Markowitz's optimal combination theory and Markowitz's efficient boundary theory are based on the condition that the market is complete, but many financial markets are incomplete, and many markets have illiquid assets, such as the real estate market. There is a A-share market with restricted sale of state-owned shares, and venture capital markets are typical markets with illiquid assets. However, in the case of some extreme events, we usually think that the stock market with good liquidity will also have liquidity problems, and some assets may be greatly affected by liquidity. For example, the global financial crisis in 2008, the global market was hit hard, the world stock market all plummeted, in this case, if the investor allocates some assets which are greatly affected by the liquidity environment, then its loss is bound to be huge. Based on this background, the liquidity factor is included in the selection of optimal portfolio. This paper first assumes that there are two types of assets in the stock market, one of which has good liquidity, and the other is influenced by market liquidity. Assuming that the equilibrium price of assets affected by market liquidity is determined by their own information items and stochastic processes determined by the market liquidity environment, The equilibrium price expression of assets is derived from the demand and supply of assets under equilibrium conditions and Ito Lemma. Then we can derive the expression of the return rate, variance and Sharp ratio of assets through the price process of assets, and adjust the return rate, variance and Sharp ratio of assets through the liquidity agent variable index. It can be applied to the classical liquidity optimal portfolio framework. In this paper, 10 related industry indexes in CSI 300 index are selected as the research object of investment portfolio, and the BDS test is used to analyze whether the daily logarithmic yield series satisfies the independent same distribution. Finally, this paper makes an empirical study on the portfolio of selected assets. The results show that the effect of portfolio liquidity adjustment is not significant when the market liquidity environment is good, but in the case of poor market liquidity environment, Portfolio liquidity adjustment results are very significant, have better performance. The empirical results show that when the market liquidity environment changes, the performance of the asset portfolio will be very different, so we must adjust the asset parameters according to the liquidity conditions.


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