

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-24 22:03

  本文選題:商業(yè)銀行 + 房地產(chǎn)供應鏈融資; 參考:《山東大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Real estate supply chain financing refers to the bank financing services provided by banks to all enterprises or individuals in the supply chain in which real estate enterprises are located, in order to meet the financing needs of real estate enterprises and to reduce the overall financial cost of the supply chain. A systematic financial service program that optimizes the efficiency of the use of funds. In recent years, with the influence of internal and external environment, such as economy, policy and financial management, real estate enterprises have gradually changed their traditional financing methods to supply chain financing, and commercial banks have also grasped the demand of real estate enterprises. Through the development of real estate supply chain financing business, coordination of the entire supply chain capital flow, reduce the overall financial costs of enterprises, provide them with systematic financial services. At present, the financing products provided by many commercial banks to real estate enterprises are still dominated by traditional loans, which are difficult to meet the financing needs of real estate enterprises; and some banks have begun to develop the financing business of real estate supply chains. But most of the products can be homogenized, lack of innovation, has not yet formed a mature real estate supply chain financing market. In this environment, the real estate supply chain financing business has become the focus of development of commercial banks, through this business to seize the share of the real estate financing market, therefore, How to understand the internal and external environment of real estate supply chain financing business and formulate marketing strategies has become an important research topic for the development of commercial banks in China. From the perspective of theoretical research, real estate supply chain financing is not only a real estate financing business, but also a supply chain financing business. There are many researches on real estate financing and supply chain financing at home and abroad, and there is a relatively perfect theoretical system. However, there is less research on real estate supply chain financing as a single business, so, The research of real estate supply chain financing in this paper fills the blank of the business theory to a certain extent. This paper studies the marketing strategy of the real estate supply chain financing business of SD Branch of XX Bank of China through the library of Shandong Province, the Internet, and the Library of Shandong University. Through the investigation of SD branch of XX Bank of China, this paper compares and analyzes the development of real estate supply chain financing business at home and abroad. This paper takes the real estate supply chain financing business of SD Branch of XX Bank of China as the research object, explains the background and significance of the business, describes the relevant theoretical research, enumerates the cases of domestic and foreign banking institutions carrying out the supply chain financing business. Summarize its business development experience, use SWOT analysis tools to analyze the internal and external environment of real estate supply chain financing in SD Branch, and subdivide the real estate supply chain financing business market to clarify the marketing target group. Furthermore, the product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy of SD Branch of XX Bank of China are established. In this paper, the research on the marketing strategy of real estate supply chain financing in SD Branch of XX Bank of China provides reference and theoretical reference for SD Branch of XX Bank of China and other commercial banks, and further enriches the relevant theoretical research on supply chain financing.


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