

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-27 10:24

  本文選題:福利競賽 + 福利需求; 參考:《首都經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This paper sums up the connotation of welfare competition and holds that welfare competition refers to the blind expansion and irregular climbing trend of social welfare system under the promotion of the government. The current welfare competition is manifested in the following aspects: the rapid improvement of the social welfare level, the continuous expansion of the social welfare system, and the obvious tendency of welfare in social insurance projects. The preliminary appearance of welfare competition has caused some negative effects: the welfare rules system has been destroyed, the market function space has been restricted and squeezed. By analyzing the forming mechanism of welfare competition, it is found that the rising demand for welfare, the increasing willingness of the government to supply welfare and the runaway process of public policy decision-making lead to the trend of welfare competition. The concept and facts of excessive state intervention play an important role. Europe's "high welfare" and Latin America's "welfare catch-up" have had a serious negative impact on countries during the economic crisis, and some regions have so far been unable to get out of trouble. This has important enlightenment to China: to curb welfare competition, we should guard against populism, abandon the improper concept of state intervention and exclude the fact of excessive state intervention, and the blind rise of welfare will have a negative impact on the development of economy and society in the long run. The construction of welfare system should grasp the system details and key points. In the specific countermeasures to curb the welfare competition, this paper holds that we should pay attention to the economic adaptability evaluation of social welfare, the establishment of the welfare system rules system, the fairness of the initial income distribution, the perfection of the market mechanism and the construction of procedural justice.


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