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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-18 07:23

  本文選題:教育均衡 + 城鄉(xiāng)學(xué)前教育均衡普及。 參考:《學(xué)前教育研究》2011年10期

[Abstract]:In recent years, Chongqing has attached great importance to the reform and development of preschool education, established the reform idea and goal of comprehensive and balanced popularization of pre-school education in urban and rural areas, and improved and improved the system and mechanism, such as establishing the mechanism of cost sharing and tilting the funds to the rural areas.To establish a free preschool education system for disadvantaged groups, vigorously strengthen the construction of public gardens, guarantee the salary of teachers, reform the teacher management system and mechanism, and implement a standardized and high-quality preschool education project, etc.It has greatly promoted the balanced popularization of preschool education in urban and rural areas, especially the popularization and quality of preschool education in rural areas.The exploration and experience of these reforms are of great significance for the reform and development of preschool education in other regions of China, especially in the central and western rural areas.Our governments at all levels should focus on the popularization of pre-school education in rural areas, take the government as the leading factor in the development of pre-school education in rural areas, adhere to the principles of public welfare and equity, and build public kindergartens in batches from rural to urban areas.At the same time, we should promote free preschool education for the disadvantaged groups, expand the resources of inclusive public preschool education, and realize the popularization of quality preschool education.
【作者單位】: 北京師范大學(xué)中國(guó)教育政策研究院;


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