

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-11 12:15

  本文選題:趣味性 + 體育游戲; 參考:《東北師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Electronic technology and other products continue to improve our living standards, but also bring a lot of negative effects, especially the impact of teenagers and children.More and more teenagers are addicted to Internet cafes, mobile phone games and other electronic products, leading them to spend most of their time playing games in a static state, in addition to their study at school.Rarely go out of the house or play sports.We know that young children are in the first growing stage of their physical development. Early childhood is the key period of growth and development. It is also a period of consolidation of physical fitness.The level of health has a large impact.Therefore, this article introduces the extracurricular sports activities of preschool children in experimental kindergartens affiliated to Northeast normal University, and adds the contents of interesting sports games, applies the method of literature and materials, and interviews with experts.The experimental results of the effects of interesting sports games on preschool children's physical fitness were analyzed by means of experiment and mathematical statistics.The purpose of this paper is to clarify the lack of relevant interesting sports games in kindergartens at the present stage, and to put forward more stringent requirements for kindergartens and teachers, so as to make up for the deficiency in improving the physical quality education of preschool children.Make kindergarten achieve the goal of "comprehensive development of intelligence and physical strength".On the one hand, it can enhance the young children's sports ability physically; on the other hand, it can improve the enthusiasm of children's sports activities, so as to improve the effect of kindergarten early childhood education.In terms of practical significance, preschool children are in a relatively fast period of physical development, and the organs and functions of the body are not yet mature, which is the key stage for the establishment of material foundation. At this time, scientific physical fitness training is carried out.Can promote preschool children's physical development and the coordinated development of physical functions.Sports can not only promote the cerebral cortex excitability, but also promote the nervous system to coordinate and control the muscle movement, thus promoting the development of nervous system function.In terms of theoretical significance, proper physical fitness training in preschool children is helpful to carry out the educational purpose of the country, according to the principle of combining care with education, following the rules and characteristics of preschool children's physical development, and carrying out moral education.Intellectual education, sports, aesthetic education and other comprehensive development of education.The investigation and study on the physical fitness of preschool children in kindergartens affiliated to Northeast normal University is helpful to provide the necessary basis for the scientific development of physical education activities, and also to test the methods and contents of physical fitness training for preschool children at present.Through experimental teaching, the following conclusions can be drawn: through the practical practice of one semester of interesting sports games, whether from the level of children's physical speed, strength, flexibility, sensitivity, etc.The children in the experimental class are better than the children in the control class, which can be fully verified. The effect of the fun sports games on the improvement of the physical quality of the preschool children in the process of growing up is obvious.Therefore, in the future daily study and life should be put into practice.On the one hand, it can enrich the content of extracurricular activities in kindergartens, on the other hand, through the setting of different situations, they increase their enthusiasm for participating in sports activities.


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