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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-31 09:58

  本文選題:獨立學院 切入點:實踐教學 出處:《天津大學》2012年碩士論文

【摘要】:當前,我國高等教育呈現(xiàn)出多元化的發(fā)展態(tài)勢,獨立學院這種新型高等教育辦學模式,經(jīng)過10年多的發(fā)展在全國已初具規(guī)模。截止2010年底,全國共有獨立學院323所,在校生人數(shù)262萬多人,獨立學院在高等教育中已成為一支不可忽視的力量,它是實現(xiàn)高等教育普及化的重要載體,也是高等教育大眾化的具體體現(xiàn)。獨立學院在資金來源、教師結構、教學設置、學生生源等諸多方面有著自身的特點。其中教學質量不僅是獨立學院具有競爭力的重要保障,同時也是獨立學院得以生存與發(fā)展的核心。保持和提高獨立學院教學水平、培養(yǎng)和造就更多適應社會發(fā)展需要的實用型人才,是獨立學院一直孜孜以求并努力踐行的準則。 本文結合獨立學院的這些特點,通過走訪調研天津市各個獨立學院辦學的經(jīng)驗,研究和探索適合獨立學院的實踐教學模式,幫助學生更多的掌握專業(yè)知識和專業(yè)技能,,增強學生對理論課程和理論知識的認同感,使學生在社會實踐中進一步深入對理論知識的理解,提高他們認識問題、解決問題的能力,使實踐教學成為教學過程的必要環(huán)節(jié)和有效手段,從而為國家培養(yǎng)更多的高水平實用型人才。 本文共分為五章。第一章緒論。闡述了選題背景和研究意義。第二章研究獨立學院實踐教學的理論基礎。介紹了獨立學院和實踐教學的特點和屬性的同時,分析了實踐教學模式的理論概述,以及實踐教學發(fā)展的影響因素。第三章是針對天津市獨立院校的調研分析,總結了部分院校的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀。第四章是實踐教學模式創(chuàng)新所存在的問題分析。通過對于各個獨立院校的走訪調研,了解到了實踐教學發(fā)展中存在的問題,進一步揭示存在的問題及其原因。第五章提出了提高獨立學院實踐教學發(fā)展的對策。從辦學特色、辦學觀念、教學方法、校際合作以及政府層面提出了促進獨立學院實踐教學發(fā)展的建議。
[Abstract]:At present, the higher education of our country presents a diversified development trend. The independent college, a new mode of running higher education, has begun to take shape in the whole country after more than 10 years of development. By the end of 2010, there were 323 independent colleges in China. With more than 2.62 million students on campus, independent colleges have become a force that can not be ignored in higher education. It is an important carrier to realize the popularization of higher education and a concrete embodiment of the popularization of higher education. The structure of teachers, teaching setup, student resources and other aspects have their own characteristics, among which the quality of teaching is not only an important guarantee for independent colleges to be competitive. At the same time, it is also the core of the survival and development of independent colleges. To maintain and improve the teaching level of independent colleges, to cultivate and bring up more practical talents to meet the needs of social development, is the standard that independent colleges have been striving to pursue and practice. This paper combines these characteristics of independent colleges, through visiting and investigating the experience of each independent college in Tianjin, studying and exploring the practical teaching mode suitable for independent colleges, and helping students to master more professional knowledge and professional skills. Strengthen students' identity with theoretical courses and theoretical knowledge, further deepen their understanding of theoretical knowledge in social practice, and improve their ability to understand and solve problems. The practical teaching becomes the necessary link and effective means in the teaching process, so as to train more high level practical talents for the country. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the research. The second chapter studies the theoretical basis of practical teaching in independent college. It introduces the characteristics and attributes of independent college and practical teaching. This paper analyzes the theoretical overview of the practical teaching model and the influencing factors of the development of the practical teaching. Chapter three is an investigation and analysis of the independent colleges and universities in Tianjin. The fourth chapter is the analysis of the problems existing in the innovation of practical teaching mode. Through the investigation and investigation of each independent university, the problems existing in the development of practical teaching are found out. The fifth chapter puts forward the countermeasures to improve the development of practical teaching in independent colleges, from the characteristics of running a school, the concept of running a school, the teaching method, At the same time, some suggestions are put forward to promote the development of practical teaching in independent colleges.


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