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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-31 09:34

  本文選題:小科學(xué) 切入點(diǎn):大科學(xué) 出處:《科學(xué)學(xué)研究》2012年05期

[Abstract]:From the perspective of the relationship between small science and great science, the social system of American science is based on small science and the core of large science projects, which has undergone a long evolution and has been formed historically. The scientific research model has the characteristics of "independent promotion", "pluralistic subject, and university leading", and can be adjusted appropriately according to the changes of the situation. For China at present, the scientific goal is relatively clear in the process of catching up with and surpassing from the traditional to the modern. We should give full play to "Chinese characteristics," vigorously develop big science, give play to its leading role and enhance the overall situation. At the same time, in catching up and surpassing, especially at a time when we are approaching the forefront of science, Efforts should be made to cultivate and improve the healthy atmosphere for the generation and development of small science in different fields and levels, to promote and expand the basic position of small science, to provide "fluctuation" for Chinese science, and to provide new bifurcation points and growth points.
【作者單位】: 東南大學(xué);蚌埠學(xué)院;


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