

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-31 00:25

  本文選題:大學(xué)生 切入點:生態(tài)意識 出處:《南京師范大學(xué)》2012年碩士論文

【摘要】:當前生態(tài)環(huán)境日益惡化,嚴重的生態(tài)危機引發(fā)人們對環(huán)境問題和生態(tài)危機的種種思考。在此背景下,生態(tài)意識教育日益發(fā)展起來并逐漸成為一個新的教育研究領(lǐng)域。在對人與自然關(guān)系的反思中,人們認識到要謀求人與自然和諧相處,實現(xiàn)人與自然和社會的可持續(xù)發(fā)展。作為未來社會主義事業(yè)的建設(shè)者和接班人,大學(xué)生的生態(tài)意識水平直接關(guān)系著社會的可持續(xù)發(fā)展,因此,加強大學(xué)生的生態(tài)意識培養(yǎng)顯得尤為重要。 本文共三章。第一章在吸取相關(guān)研究成果的基礎(chǔ)上,界定了生態(tài)意識的涵義,揭示了生態(tài)意識的構(gòu)成,全面論述了大學(xué)生生態(tài)意識培養(yǎng)的價值,強調(diào)大學(xué)生生態(tài)意識培養(yǎng)是應(yīng)對生態(tài)環(huán)境問題的迫切需要、推進生態(tài)文明建設(shè)的必然要求、促進大學(xué)生全面發(fā)展的有效途徑、促進思想政治教育創(chuàng)新的重要舉措。第二章依據(jù)對大學(xué)生的問卷調(diào)查全面分析了大學(xué)生生態(tài)意識的現(xiàn)狀,并從學(xué)校、社會、家庭及大學(xué)生自身四個方面具體分析了大學(xué)生生態(tài)意識缺失的成因。第三章就如何加強大學(xué)生生態(tài)意識培養(yǎng)進行了比較深入的研究,從大學(xué)生生態(tài)意識培養(yǎng)的原則、目標、內(nèi)容和路徑四個角度論述了大學(xué)生生態(tài)意識培養(yǎng)的策略,以社會共同參與的視角重點論述了大學(xué)生生態(tài)意識培養(yǎng)的路徑,以切實增強大學(xué)生生態(tài)意識培養(yǎng)的實效性。
[Abstract]:At present, the ecological environment is deteriorating day by day, and the serious ecological crisis has caused people to think about environmental problems and ecological crises. Ecological consciousness education is developing day by day and has gradually become a new field of educational research. In the reflection of the relationship between man and nature, people realize that we should seek harmony between man and nature. As the builders and successors of the future socialist cause, the level of ecological consciousness of college students is directly related to the sustainable development of society. It is very important to strengthen the cultivation of college students'ecological consciousness. There are three chapters in this paper. The first chapter defines the meaning of ecological consciousness, reveals the composition of ecological consciousness, and discusses the value of cultivating ecological consciousness of college students on the basis of absorbing the relevant research results. It is emphasized that the cultivation of college students' ecological consciousness is the urgent need to deal with the ecological environmental problems, the inevitable requirement of promoting the construction of ecological civilization, and the effective way to promote the all-round development of college students. The second chapter analyzes the current situation of college students' ecological consciousness based on the questionnaire survey, and analyzes the current situation of college students' ecological consciousness from the perspective of school and society. The causes of the lack of ecological consciousness of college students are analyzed from four aspects of family and college students. Chapter three makes a deep research on how to strengthen the cultivation of ecological consciousness of college students, from the principles and objectives of the cultivation of ecological consciousness of college students. This paper discusses the strategies of cultivating college students' ecological consciousness from four angles of content and path, and focuses on the ways of cultivating college students' ecological consciousness from the angle of social participation, so as to enhance the actual effect of the cultivation of college students' ecological consciousness.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 金鴿;;新時期國內(nèi)外公民生態(tài)意識教育研究綜述[J];內(nèi)蒙古民族大學(xué)學(xué)報(社會科學(xué)版);2013年04期





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