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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-24 17:42

  本文選題:多元文化 + 文化沖突 ; 參考:《江蘇大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, China is in the period of social transformation, the collision and blending of multiculturalism has become an inevitable trend. The phenomenon of cultural conflict between teachers and students intensifies with the arrival of multiculturalism, which causes scholars and society to attach great importance to it. The cultural conflict between teachers and students refers to the contradiction and competition between teachers and students in the process of interaction between teachers and students, which is caused by the difference between teachers' culture and students' culture. To study the conflict between teachers and students from the perspective of multiculturalism can not only give teachers and students more humanistic care and cultural experience, but also help to build a new harmonious relationship between teachers and students. The conflict between teachers and students' culture is mainly manifested in two aspects: the conflict of values and the conflict of behavior style. The conflict of values is the internal manifestation of the conflict of teachers' and students' culture, while the conflict of behavior mode is the external manifestation of the conflict of teachers' and students' culture. And has the conflict degree is different, the conflict form is multivariate, the conflict reason is complex characteristic. The values and behaviors of teacher culture and student culture are different in school, and there is always a conflict between teacher and student culture, which has a positive or negative impact on the development of teacher-student relationship. For the non-constructive and negative cultural conflicts between teachers and students, we can analyze the causes from three aspects: external factors, internal factors and root causes. The culture of teachers and students does not exist in isolation from the perspective of multiculturalism. Social culture, school culture, family culture and Internet culture are the external factors that affect the cultural conflict between teachers and students. The flanking of teachers' cultural authority, the publicity of students' unique personality, the limitation of teacher-student communication mechanism and the unsustainable moral education are the internal influencing factors of the cultural conflict between teachers and students. The differences of role culture, stratum culture and intergenerational culture between teacher culture and student culture are the root of the culture conflict between teachers and students. For the constructive and positive cultural conflict between teachers and students, we need to keep it and use it effectively to make it an important opportunity to promote the harmonious culture of teachers and students. For the non-constructive and negative cultural conflict between teachers and students, we need to admit the conflict, face it positively, and seek for differences and similarities, and resolve the cultural conflict between teachers and students by giving full play to the positive role of society, school, family, Internet and teachers and students. First, society, school, family and Internet need to work together to protect the legitimate cultural rights and interests of teachers and students, recognize the existence of cultural conflicts between teachers and students, and create a harmonious and safe cultural atmosphere. Second, the core principles of dealing with the cultural conflict between teachers and students from the perspective of multiculturalism include reshaping the professional authority of teachers, constructing a mechanism of cultural identity, establishing a mechanism of communication between teachers and students, and strengthening the moral education of students, so as to achieve the differences and similarities between the cultures of teachers and students. Third, the ultimate pursuit of effectively resolving the cultural conflict between teachers and students includes cultural consciousness, cultural cooperation and cultural formation, so as to achieve a harmonious culture between teachers and students.


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