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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-24 17:15

  本文選題:美國教育技術(shù)計劃 + 技術(shù)賦能的教師 ; 參考:《現(xiàn)代教育技術(shù)》2016年10期

[Abstract]:"Welcome future learning - Rethinking education technology" as the national education technology program issued by the United States Ministry of education in 2016. It systematically expounds the educational technology in recent years from five aspects: the learning of technology empowerment, the teaching of technology empowerment, the leadership of the age of educational technology, the study and evaluation of the age of educational technology, and the construction of the teaching ecosystem. Development and application, as well as the impact and impact on primary and secondary education and higher education in the United States. According to the current situation and trend of the development of education information in China, the paper analyzes the role change and teaching characteristics of teachers in the learning environment of technology empowerment from six aspects, and describes teachers' education and teachers in the age of technology empowerment from two aspects. In the end, the goal and direction of teachers' education and teachers' career development in the era of education information are given, that is, to train and develop teachers with technical ability to respond to the teaching requirements and challenges in the learning environment supported by technology.

【作者單位】: 同濟(jì)大學(xué)外國語學(xué)院;
【基金】:2016國家社科基金課題“聯(lián)通主義幕課作為新型外語課堂教學(xué)模式的有效性影響因素研究”(課題批準(zhǔn)號:16BYY089) 2016年“同濟(jì)大學(xué)中國特色社會主義理論研究中心課題”的階段性研究成果


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